A List of Great Technology
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The Best Mosquito Control Gear for Your Patio or Yard

If you want to keep mosquitoes away from your deck or patio without having to slather your skin in bug repellent, get the Thermacell E90 Rechargeable Mosquito Repellent.After spending 70 hours researching a category full of marketing hype and debunked methods (including popular options like citronella candles), we found that the E90 stands...

Fri May 31, 2024 21:29
The 38 Best Gifts for 3-Year-Olds

When kids reach the age of 3, the gift-giving game changes. Many children in this age group know what they want. Lots of them have more interests, opinions, and language to express their excitement than they had in the past. But that doesn’t negate the thrill of a good surprise.Three-year-olds are ready for toys that foster lots of imaginative...

Fri May 31, 2024 20:29
The 36 Best Gifts for 2-Year-Olds

When you’re trying to keep up with the developing skills and interests of a 2-year-old, it can feel like you’re sprinting (sometimes literally) or playing a guessing game.The most engaging toys for 2-year-olds offer lots of different options for hands-on, manipulative play. Kids this age may be able to use their fine motor skills in more-precise...

Fri May 31, 2024 20:29
The 31 Best Gifts for 1-Year-Olds

When it comes to gifts, many 1-year-olds aren’t picky. In fact, they may be as excited by the packaging as by what’s inside. (Save those boxes!) Other kids this age have already begun to develop their own unique preferences, personalities, and abilities. With the right toys and gifts, you can set your child up for years of fun.Look for...

Fri May 31, 2024 20:29
There’s Basically No Difference Between Baby Sunscreen and Regular Sunscreen

It’s a scorcher of a summer day, and all you want to do is smear some sunscreen on your kid before they wriggle out of your grasp. Good thing you have this baby sunscreen, right? Because it’s easier to apply, or kids like it more, or… something?Not really. Many baby and kid sunscreens are just regular sunscreens gussied up with sweet-smelling...

Fri May 31, 2024 20:29
Microplastics Are Everywhere. Here’s How to Avoid Eating Them.

Microplastics and nanoplastics are everywhere.The teeny tiny pieces of plastic have been found in everything from drinking water to chicken nuggets, apples, and broccoli.Recent studies have linked these pollutants to heart disease, lung disorders, and more worrying health issues.But unfortunately, microplastics are now so pervasive that...

Fri May 31, 2024 20:29

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