34 followers 1 article/week
Building Trust in Yourself

I find that almost all problems are a breakdown in trusting ourselves. If we could trust ourselves fully, so many things become effortless. Let me give some examples of where we don’t trust ourselves: Procrastination: We procrastinate when we think we can’t handle the stress or difficulty of one or more tasks, or...

Sat Jun 1, 2024 18:20
My Morning Routine

Lately I’ve been waking up early (5:30am), because I traveled to London for a couple of weeks to lead a retreat, and my sleep schedule shifted. I really enjoy it! Someone asked me recently what my morning routine is like, and I told them: It changes regularly, depending on what I need. That said, I haven’t shared my morning routine...

Fri May 24, 2024 14:43
Ritual to Greet the Day

Every new day is a tremendous gift. And yet we often take these days for granted, rushing into everything we need to respond to, distracting ourselves, forgetting to feel wonder. Wouldn’t it be lovely to create a morning ritual to greet your day? The purpose of the ritual is to practice full appreciation of the gift we’ve been...

Thu May 23, 2024 23:47
The Possibility of Slowing Down

By Leo Babauta Our days are a busy rush, often from the moment we wake up. Even in our moments of rest, we are often on our phones or using technology to distract ourselves. The result is a life of stress, overwhelm, and habitual patterns. What would it be like to slow down? To find stillness in your day, moments of rest and quietude?...

Fri May 10, 2024 19:13
The Chaos & Abundance of Spring

By Leo Babauta For many of us in the Northern hemisphere, Spring has fully arrived: gorgeous sunshine, warmer weather, green trees, blossoms. It’s glorious! With Spring comes life springing into action, full of abundance. This is the chaos of life, full and energetic and exuberant. It’s chaotic but in the most affirming of ways....

Fri May 3, 2024 16:01
The Moment That Ruins Our Focus

By Leo Babauta I challenge you to do a test before you read the rest of this post (well OK, read the next two paragraphs then go do the challenge) … Open an email that’s been sitting in your inbox but that you’ve been avoiding responding to or acting on. Pick the hardest one. Try to sit there, read the email, and then act on it...

Fri Apr 26, 2024 16:25

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