Inoreader VS. Feedly

RSS with less restrictions and more power

Follow websites, social media feeds, podcasts, blogs, and newsletters.
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Why choose Inoreader over Feedly?

Rich customization

Article layouts, different themes, font options, image loading, and custom CSS editor.

Get more for free

Search in your feeds, highlight keywords, get Google News alerts, and use our podcast player.

Powerful automation

Use filters to mute or permit content and rules to trigger events when certain criteria are met.

Social features

Follow user channels, like, comment, and broadcast articles inside your Inoreader account.

Newsletter feeds

Declutter your inbox by subscribing to newsletters in Inoreader with a separate email.

More value for less

Enjoy the rich palette of powerful features Inoreader has to offer for a much better price.

Compare and choose wisely

Free plan Inoreader
Search inside your feeds
Unlimited folders
Unlimited tags
Save to Pocket, Dropbox, Evernote, OneNote, Google Drive and Instapaper
Google News alerts
Reddit feeds
Generate your own feeds with HTML clips
Personal notes on articles
Pro plan Inoreader Pro
Feedly Pro+
Unlimited feeds
Facebook pages
Follow websites without RSS
Keyword monitoring
Powerful automation with rules
Secure image proxy
Sync YouTube subscriptions
Article translation
Permit filters
Mute and duplicate filters
Faster news delivery
Search everywhere
Article annotations
IFTTT integration
Zapier integration
Generate your own feeds with HTML clips

This page was last updated Jul 14, 2023.

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