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T-SQL Tuesday #100: What’s New With Scalability Groups in SQL Server 2026

Welcome to T-SQL Tuesday #100. In a community filled with ADD people like the SQL community (myself included), who would have guessed that T-SQL Tuesday would still be going strong years later? Other attempts at similar recurring themed posts have been attempted (I can’t even remember their names), but none had the staying power of T-SQL Tuesday....

Tue Mar 13, 2018 19:13
T-SQL Tuesday #99 – What’s Behind Door #1

It’s hard to believe that we have reached T-SQL Tuesday #99 already. This month’s host is Aaron Bertrand (blog|@AaronBertrand), and he is giving us 2 choices to choose from for the theme of our posts. Door #1 is about #sqlibrium or what you are passionate about outside of SQL Server and data. Or if you’d rather keep your post technical rather...

Tue Feb 13, 2018 21:30
New Year’s Resolutions for this DBA

It’s a new year, and if you read my post almost 2 week’s ago, you know that I’ve already started making changes. What you may not have realized is that the job change was an important step in realizing the changes I had resolved to make. This list is a simple one: Spend less time working. Spend more time with my wife and our dog.

Tue Jan 2, 2018 19:10
How Not to Sell Software: a Tale of Bad Sales

Naming no names here, but I want to talk about a really horrible sales call I had recently. Well, the horribleness started with the call, but continued afterward. There was part of me that wanted to tell the vendor during the call to put their software someplace protected from the sun and hang up on them, but I didn’t. I want to tell others...

Sat Dec 30, 2017 04:58
Westbound and down, roll ’em up and truckin’

A little less than 2 years ago, my wife and I loaded up our cats and dog and moved from the Seattle area on the west coast to New York City on the east coast. It was quite an experience. Turns out the old saying was true. More money did not equal more happiness. So now we are embarking on road trip part 2.

Thu Dec 28, 2017 18:18
Time Zones are a Drag … Seriously

Time Zones were definitely being a drag today. I got an email from one of the developers at work asking about the performance difference between 2 queries. The only difference between the 2 queries is that one of them uses the AT TIME ZONE clause that was added in SQL Server 2016. I have not played around with this particular clause, but we...

Fri Nov 24, 2017 17:14

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