The blog for
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Force Template Generation with .tpl

Long time no talk. We recently pushed a small feature to Webhook that allows you to append .tpl to any file (say /pages/feed.json.tpl) in your pages or templates directory to build that file using our templating system. This is useful for text, XML or JSON files that you need to custom build against data in the CMS. Although Webhook doesn't get much...

Wed Mar 2, 2016 04:31
Edit JSON Data Directly In the CMS

Small update, but the next time you log into your CMS all site owners (not editors) should have the ability to view and edit the JSON that we generate for each item of content. To view it, simply go to any content type, hover over the content you'd like to edit and click the "JSON" link. This is a powerful feature that while handy, can really screw...

Tue Jun 23, 2015 08:05
Small Feature Update

We haven't updated the blog in a bit but Webhook continues to grow at a steady pace and is being used for some large, high-profile projects (more on that in a later post). In the meantime we recently pushed some small, but requested bug features and fixes to the codebase. You can now crop and resize images by width and height independently. You can...

Wed May 13, 2015 09:55
Introducing Solo: A New Blog Theme for Webhook

This weekend we added a new theme to the Webhook library. Called "Solo" it's both a nice little default theme for blogging projects and a good way to learn about how Webhook works. The code is available on Github under an MIT license and you can of course install it directly through your CMS as well. In it you'll see how we added infinite scrolling...

Fri Jan 30, 2015 20:58
Updates to the Markdown and Relation Widgets

Short update this week. We continue our quest to polish already existing features with new code for the Markdown widget and the relation widget. Markdown The markdown widget now allows for syntax highlighting as you compose your document. You can toggle between a light and dark version for your theme. While in full-screen mode the preview area...

Fri Jan 30, 2015 20:58

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