IT security blog focusing on malware forensics, dynamic and static analysis, as well as automated malware analysis techniques.
157 followers 0 artículos/semana
Introducing A Unique Script Logging Engine

One advantage of being an exposed software vendor (we operate a popular free public malware analysis service) is that we constantly get challenged with latest malware samples and have a vivid feedback loop. IT-Security professionals and researchers from all around the world upload what they get in touch with at a daily basis. As we are quite dedicated...

Tue Dec 20, 2016 22:21
On Dridex and a new "Zero-Day-Distribution" method

The banking trojan Dridex (also known as Cridex, Feodo, Geodo, etc.) has been distributed in the past via malicious documents containing macros sent by E-Mail. Just yesterday we discovered a new distribution method that is undetected by the various Sandbox solutions we have access to and all AV engines. We were able to happily share and send those...

Thu Oct 27, 2016 10:58
On Dridex and a new "Zero-Day-Distribution" method

The banking trojan Dridex (also known as Cridex, Feodo, Geodo, etc.) has been distributed in the past via malicous documents containing macros sent by E-Mail. Just yesterday we discovered a new distribution method that is undetected by the various Sandbox solutions we have access to and all AV engines. We were able to happily share and send those infected...

Thu Oct 27, 2016 09:48
Financial malware delivered via embedded JSE

Just a few days ago our research lead came accross an interesting office file. Instead of the common macro malware everyone sees today (which is as old as the 90's, albeit still successful), the sample we were looking at was using an interesting way to bypass automated detection: the Office file contained an additional embedded file, which needs to...

Sun Jul 3, 2016 17:25
Changelog Q4 2015 - Q1 2016 (distilled)

We've been so busy improving VxStream Sandbox and the surrounding technology that we have been having a bit of an on-off relationship with our blog. Today we wanted to catch up a bit and let everyone know what we have been up to, who have not been following extremely closely. Besides visible changes, there has also been a lot of improvements going on...

Thu Feb 25, 2016 17:55
Sandboxes are not dead: automatically decoding a heavily obfuscated javascript

That's right. Sandbox technology is not dead, but some implementations can turn out to be if they are not maintained to adapt to the ever-changing threat landscape. In this blogpost we will take a look at a heavily obfuscated javascript and present some output of VxStream Sandbox's new decoder engine (just as Google, we consider any aspect of our product...

Tue Sep 29, 2015 12:43

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