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IPython/Jupyter notebook gallery - Draft

TL;DR I created a gallery for IPython/Jupyter notebooks. Check it out :-) A couple of months ago I put online a website that displays a collection of IPython/Jupyter notebooks. The is a website that collects user-submitted and publicly available notebooks and displays them with a nice screenshot. The great thing about this website compared to other...

Tue May 5, 2015 16:10
PyData Paris - April 2015

Last Friday was PyData Paris, in words of the organizers, ''a gathering of users and developers of data analysis tools in Python''. The organizers did a great job in putting together and the event started already with a full room for Gael's keynote My take-away message from the talks is that Python has grown in 5 years from a language marginally...

Tue May 5, 2015 16:10
Python Trickery

Here are some bits of Python trickery that I have come across. Each of the following is invalid syntax. See if you can figure out why 1 + not(2) f(*( i for i in range(10) if i % 2), x=3,)

Tue May 5, 2015 03:24
Build a blog with Jekyll and Github pages

I recently migrated my blog from Wordpress to Jekyll, a fantastic website generator that's designed for building minimal, static blog posts to be hosted on Github pages. Firstly, I wanted to use Ghost but then simplicity of Jekyll's theming layer and writing workflow had me.

Tue May 5, 2015 01:22
GSoC 2015 with PyDy

Tue May 5, 2015 01:22
Let's begin our adventure!

Lets get the introduction out of our way first. I am Sahil Shekhawat, a sophomore majoring in Computer Science. I am Google Summer of Code intern at PyDy and have worked with Backpack for about one year. Thats pretty much it!

Tue May 5, 2015 01:22

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