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Book: Unshackled: A Practical Guide For Highly-Skilled Immigrants To Thrive In The United States

I recently wrote the Foreword for Unshackled, a new book co-authored by Soundarya Basubramani, a writer from India, and Sameer Khedekar, a veteran immigration lawyer. Unshackled breaks down how legal immigration works in America in a way that is friendly, accessible, and human. It’s filled with raw stories of high-skilled immigrants who walked unconventional...

Mon Jul 17, 2023 18:29
RIP Alan Arkin

Alan Arkin is one of my favorite actors. I just saw a note that he passed away yesterday. I expect I’ll look like him when I lose my hair since he looks like my dad. And every time I see Alan Arkin, I think of my dad. If you see me driving my Jeep around Boulder, I just gave you a hint about what my license plate (ARGOFY) means....

Fri Jun 30, 2023 18:23
Venture Deals Summer 2023 Course

The Venture Deals course is free and starts on June 20, 2023. This is the fourth time we are running the new version of the course (v2!) that was co-created with Techstars and Kauffman Fellows. If interested, sign up now. I hope to see you in one of the AMAs we will host for anyone who takes the course. The post Venture Deals...

Thu Jun 1, 2023 17:35
Book: Draft No. 4: On the Writing Process

John McPhee’s Levels of the Game was published when I was three. I’ve read many books about tennis, but it’s still my favorite, with String Theory: David Foster Wallace on Tennis coming in a close second. Both books share extraordinary writers and a topic I can relate to, given my short but profane junior tennis career. I’ve become annoyed by...

Sun May 21, 2023 21:08
19 Years Ago Today

I got an email from Matt Blumberg this morning with the above image that said, “We have been blogging for 19 years. I can remember sitting together above Super Liquor futzing with Typepad like it was yesterday.” “Super Liquor” is Superior Liquor in Superior, Colorado, which was on the first floor of the building off of Hwy...

Wed May 10, 2023 19:25
The Impact of Stress on the Well-being of Startup Founders and CEOs

Startup Snapshot, a data-sharing platform for the entrepreneurial ecosystem, recently released its latest report, The Untold Toll: The Impact of stress on the well-being of startup founders and CEOs. Clearly, the emotional state of founders and entrepreneurs in any period, especially now in this economic environment, is a critical driver of success. Yet...

Mon May 8, 2023 18:30

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