A Blog About Leadership & Management
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How to Prepare for a Management Interview so You Get an Awesome Job

“Hi - Thanks for coming in to meet the team last week. Unfortunately…” Ah those dreaded words, “Unfortunately…we’re not going to be moving forward with your candidacy for the role.” Interviewing for a management position can feel like a brutal obstacle course. You need to demonstrate your leadership skills while explaining how you'll hit...

Fri Jun 14, 2024 22:32
Lighthouse Leadership Weekly #72: Emotions in Feedback, The State of Performance Management, and more...

"I wish I'd done this weeks ago..." That's what went through my mind as I reviewed applicants for a Virtual Assistant role I just opened on Upwork. It turns out, many of the VAs not only have the skills to do the work I know has been backing up and taking up too much of my time, but they also have experience doing things that I really...

Wed Jun 12, 2024 21:11
The 20 Best Manager Interview Questions To Ask Your Leadership Candidates

Let's face it — hiring the wrong manager can be an absolute nightmare. Not only does it drain your team's productivity and morale, but it also takes a serious hit on your bottom line. The United States Department of Labor estimates that making a poor hiring decision can cost you nearly a third of that employee's first-year salary. And it gets...

Sat Jun 8, 2024 01:22
Lighthouse Leadership Weekly #71: Steve Jobs on Conflicts, a fun Book of the Month, and Challenges on Giving Praise

Praise costs you nothing, but can deliver huge results. Everyone likes hearing they've done a good job, especially when they really put in extra effort. That's why we so frequently talk about it both in this newsletter and on the Lighthouse blog. And in these week's edition, we have a great write in Ask Lighthouse question about...

Wed Jun 5, 2024 22:27
Lighthouse Leadership Weekly #70: Building fun cultures, skill learning stats, Dog-eat-dog teams, and more

Do you enjoy this newsletter? Only you know unless you tell us! One of the interesting things about writing a newsletter that goes to tens of thousands of people, is that it becomes hard to tell if what you're writing resonates; yes, I have opens and click rates, survey responses, and people who have been customers over the years for Lighthouse...

Wed May 29, 2024 15:46
Lighthouse Leadership Weekly #69: Building Credibility, a study of AI at work, how to manage your friends, and more…

What if I told you there's something that many Gen Z and Boomers agree on in the workplace? Turns out that topic is AI. In today’s edition, we cover key takeaways from a Linkedin & Microsoft study of AI, which includes a generational breakdown of using it at work, as well as what to do when you replace someone who was fired,...

Wed May 22, 2024 15:58

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