Animation World Network
The animated short, directed by David Lowery and produced by Academy Award-Winning filmmaker Alfonso Cuarón, is inspired by the true events of a tiny owl rescued from New York City’s Rockefeller Center’s Christmas tree in 2020; it debuts November 15.
The famed ‘crayoneers’ have teamed up with Hallmark, CAKE and Original Film on the IP’s 40th anniversary to reimagine and launch a new series and movie based on the popular kids’ brands.
Returning for its sophomore season, the harrowing sci-fi series starring Rebecca Ferguson, Tim Robbins, and Common tells the story of the last 10,000 people on Earth, living in a mile-deep home that protects them from a toxic and deadly outside world, who never dare to question their existence or they’ll end up dead; coming November 15.
Creator Kyel White and EP Stephanie Simpson talk about their new animated adventure-comedy series from DreamWorks Animation, which turns some of Universal Pictures’ most well-known cinematic ‘monsters’ into heroic rescue vehicles; show debuts October 14 on Netflix.
As Chris Sanders and Dreamworks Animation’s latest film took shape, at one point, ‘Roz’ was a bit overprotective of the gosling she had no idea how to raise… until Pinktail the opossum stepped in with suggestions; the beautifully animated, emotional journey of a domestic robot shipwrecked on an uninhabited island who becomes the adoptive parent is available...
The studio’s upcoming programming line-up, which runs October 17-20, includes a trio of franchise panels, featuring celebrity guests and two popup shop experiences: the Mugiwara Store and Toei Animation X Dim Mak.
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