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When Procrastination is Productive

I recently had an email exchange with a reader who, in his words, claimed to struggle with a lack of commitment.  He wanted to study machine learning, but he couldn’t get past the first few modules of the course he’s taking. After a few emails back and forth, however, I discovered the reason he “wasn’t able to commit” was simply that his full-time...

Tue Apr 16, 2024 18:25
The Science of Mental Models

Human reason is a puzzling ability. As a species, we’ve invented logic, mathematics, science and philosophy. Yet we suffer from a list of cognitive biases so long that an entire Wikipedia page is devoted to categorizing them. So which is it: are we excellent at reasoning or incurably irrational? Psychologist Philip Johnson-Laird has spent his career...

Tue Apr 9, 2024 19:22
How to Learn Vocabulary in Another Language

When it comes to language learning, grammar gets all the attention. Most theories about second language acquisition focus primarily on how we acquire syntax—the way we put words together to form sentences. Vocabulary, in contrast, has historically been outside of the spotlight. This is unfortunate. Research has shown that your vocabulary has the greatest...

Tue Apr 2, 2024 19:41
5 Keys to Get the Most out of the Feynman Technique

The most popular piece of studying advice I’ve ever come up with was the Feynman Technique. While the technique itself is only loosely based on Richard Feynman’s practices, the idea of self-explanations took off and became a studying meme that has since gone far beyond my own audience. The basic idea for the technique is simple: Pick an idea you...

Tue Mar 26, 2024 18:34
My New Book: Get Better at Anything (Special Offer for Preorders)

My new book, Get Better at Anything: 12 Maxims for Mastery, is now available for preorder. This book means a lot to me. It’s easily the longest and hardest I’ve ever worked on any project in my life. From start to finish, the project took over four years, involving hundreds of books, several hundred scientific papers and countless conversations...

Tue Mar 19, 2024 20:35
The Infinite Library Problem

Studying for school can be hard, but the process is pretty straightforward: Read all the material and attend all the lectures. Practice in ways that mirror what will be on the final exam. Use feedback to figure out what you need to fix. Outside of school, though, this strategy breaks down. It’s impossible even to be aware of all the books that...

Tue Mar 12, 2024 17:43

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