Exploring the intersection of minimalism, mindfulness and technology.
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30 Days From Learning to Launching a Swift App on Apple Vision Pro

I have a confession to make: I’ve tried multiple times to learn iOS development and each time I’ve failed. Let’s rewind to 2007. The very first iPhone was just released. When it initially came out, there was no App store or way to create apps. Apple’s workaround was simple: just build everything as a website (as long as there’s no Adobe Flash)....

Tue Jan 30, 2024 09:54
Why You Should Add a List of Projects You’ve Built To Your Blog

I’m going to pitch you an idea: if you have a personal blog, you should create a Projects listing page. Beyond the regular blog post pages and listing pages, many sites also have an About page. Over the years many bloggers have added /now pages, popularized by Derek Sivers at Nownownow.com. Recently there’s been a spike...

Sun Jan 7, 2024 02:32
My 2023 Year in Review

I’ve written a “year in review” post for the last thirteen years. I highly recommend you try it. It’s a time capsule that lets you reflect on the past year, appreciate parts of it that were great, and develop a plan for the next year. You can view any of the past 13 years’ posts here: 2010,  2011,  2012,  2013,  2014,  2015,  2016,  2017,  2018, 2019,...

Fri Dec 29, 2023 03:13
November 2023 Theme: Stop

a complex, symbolic representation of a stop sign, in nature, minimalist design, flat design, digital illustration, white background –ar 3:2 For each month of 2023, I’m choosing a single word to inspire action. I did a similar experiment throughout 2020. Having something to focus on helped focus my attention on improving in a single dimension...

Mon Nov 13, 2023 02:31
What Apps I Use In 2023

Midjourney generated image for the prompt: “a complex, symbolic representation of digital app choice, in nature, minimalist design, flat design, digital illustration, –ar 3:2” I remember in the early days of blogging on LiveJournal I’d join a ton of trends and lists. Someone made a list of 50 completely random questions? OF COURSE I’LL ANSWER...

Tue Nov 7, 2023 21:04

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