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46 followers 2 articles/week
7 Things This Week [#145]

A weekly list of interesting things I found on the internet, posted on Sundays. Sometimes themed, often not. 1️⃣ Such an elegantly made video. It doesn’t matter that I have no interest in coffee or how it tastes, but I appreciate great storytelling and this is excellent. (The behind-the-scenes is great too.) [🔗 James Hoffmann //] (Via...

Mon Jun 10, 2024 06:40
My WWDC24 Wish List

A Siri that doesn’t suck.® (Lol, there’s actually a bunch more that I’d like to see Apple improve and introduce, but this would be a great start.) HeyDingus is a blog by Jarrod Blundy about technology, the great outdoors, and other musings. If you like what you see — the blog posts, shortcuts, wallpapers, scripts, or anything — please consider leaving...

Sun Jun 9, 2024 19:42
7 Things This Week [#144]

A weekly list of interesting things I found on the internet, posted on Sundays. Sometimes themed, often not. 1️⃣ You can do some wild stuff with scroll-based animations just with CSS. [🔗] 2️⃣ Robin Rendle has a new blog for sharing things about CSS and I’m already hooked. (And I approve this transition from newsletter...

Mon May 27, 2024 19:49
Starting up PenPals with Justin Wong

I’m a bit delayed on my end, but I’ve started emailing with Justin Wong this month. Justin is a software developer who has an awesome website,, and is a Florida enthusiast (which you’ll see below 😉): We have a lot of sprawling oak trees covered with hanging moss. And there’s a lot of palm trees. (fun fact - palm trees are actually a...

Thu May 9, 2024 21:08
Wrapping up being PenPals with Ratika

Writing with Ratika this month stretched my skills in interesting ways. Her style encouraged me to get more creative with my descriptions and share more about what’s happening around me, not just within me. We got pretty meta though, discussing routines, the benefits and detriments of being online, and often our local weather. Here’s a bit from our...

Thu May 9, 2024 18:42
10 Last-Minute Predictions for Apple’s ‘Let Loose’ Event

I’ve been mostly offline for the last week, camping with my wife and dog, and taking a couple of trainings (Wilderness First Aid and AMGA Single Pitch Instructor, if you’re interested), so no big thinkpiece from me regarding Apple’s (presumed) iPad event tomorrow today. Also, I’ll be at work during the event itself, so don’t expect a live blog this...

Tue May 7, 2024 07:27

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