13 followers 0 articles/week
Letterbird and “Smart Quotes”

A couple small improvements to Pika happened recently! Some customers pointed out that it was odd they could embed a Letterbird form on a site page with a page variable, but they couldn’t do the same thing on a blog post. We agree! Now you can embed a Letterbird form right on a blog post. Maybe at the bottom of the post would be good? Yes, that...

Wed May 22, 2024 20:27
RSS Feed Improvements Part Duex

Your Pika blog comes with an RSS feed that allows others to subscribe to your blog via a feed reader. We try to keep these feeds working well for all of the services out there, but from time to time there are hiccups. Recently we fixed a couple of those for you. The first fix was to make sure images in your blog posts are displayed on all of the...

Thu May 16, 2024 23:15
Verify Your Website on Mastodon

Over the months since Pika launched we’ve had a number of requests to allow Pika site verification on Mastodon. We’re happy to say it has arrived!  The rel="me" link that this feature places on your Pika page means that the verification link you’ve included leads to another of your profiles on the internet. This is a way to verify your...

Wed May 15, 2024 00:03
Bring Your Own Analytics

Since Pika launch day we have had requests from customers who want to add analytics (tinylytics, Google Analytics, Plausible, etc) to their Pika blogs. We struggled a bit with wanting some idealized way for people to add whatever script to their sites. We also knew that such an open-ended thing is pretty technical as well as rife with security issues....

Fri May 10, 2024 18:59
Guestbooks for Everyone

My friend Sara runs her own website with Jekyll, a static-site generator. She’s not a programmer, but she was technically savvy enough to get Jekyll running during a weekend when she was really motivated to start a blog that looked similar to the blog of someone she admired. It was all going well until this winter when folks started adding guestbooks...

Wed May 8, 2024 20:04
Exporting Your Pika Blog

One big challenge bloggers have in trying a new blogging service is rightfully, “What happens if I no longer want to use the service?” This is in part why many of us bloggers choose to build our own sites using static-site generators like Jekyll, content management systems like Kirby, or even coding static HTML by hand. Even though these options...

Mon May 6, 2024 18:27

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