Just another Scientopia site
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Farewell, Scientopia! Hello goodmath.org!

I've decided to leave Scientopia, and go off on my own. Details about why can be found at the new site, goodmath.org. Update your links! The new RSS is here. All of the existing posts and comments have been moved over. I'm shutting down comments here, but you're welcome to come on over to the new site and continue any open conversations!

Fri Feb 14, 2014 03:49
Hello World in ARM Assembly Language

Since K&R's book on C, it's become traditional to start any tutorial on a new language is to present a program that prints "Hello world". For ARM assembly running on Raspbian Linux, that traditional program looks like: .global _start _start: MOV R7, #4 MOV R0, #1 MOV R2, #12 LDR R1, =string SWI 0 MOV R7, #1 SWI 0 .data string: ...

Tue Feb 11, 2014 20:45
Everyone stop implementing programming languages, right now! It's been solved!

Back when I was a student working on my PhD, I specialized in programming languages. Lucky for me I did it a long time ago! According to Wired, if I was working on it now, I'd be out of luck - the problem is already solved! See, these guys built a new programming language which solves all the problems! I mean, just look how daft all of us programming...

Tue Feb 4, 2014 21:43
On outing in the sciblogging community

I'm coming in to this a bit late, but since I really do care about the online science blogging community,I still have something that I want to say. For those who don't know, there's a complete horses ass named Henry Gee. Henry is an editor at the science journal Nature. Poor Henry got into some fights with DrIsis (a prominent science blogger), and...

Wed Jan 22, 2014 06:37
Oy Veh! Power Series, Analytic Continuations, and Riemann Zeta

After the whole Plait fiasco with the sum of the infinite series of natural numbers, I decided it would interesting to dig into the real math behind that mess. That means digging in to the Riemann function, and the concept of analytic continuation. A couple of caveats before I start: this is the area of math where I'm at my worst. I am not good at...

Tue Jan 21, 2014 02:26
Bad Math from the Bad Astronomer

This morning, my friend Dr24Hours pinged me on twitter about some bad math: Attn @MarkCC: http://t.co/ijzQZpM2lm (Sum(NatNums)= -1/12 bullshit) h/t @NeuroPolarbear@BadAstronomer Shame on you, @Slate. — Dr24hours (@Dr24hours) January 17, 2014 And indeed, he was right. Phil Plait the Bad Astronomer, of all people, got taken in by a bit of mathematical...

Fri Jan 17, 2014 21:38

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