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Proactive Swallowing Rehabilitation in Patients with Recurrent Oral Cancer Receiving Salvage Treatment: Long-Term Swallowing-Related Outcomes

AbstractThe present study aimed to evaluate the impact of proactive swallowing rehabilitation on swallowing function and quality of life in patients with recurrent oral cancer in the first 2 years after salvage treatment. Consecutive adult patients with recurrent oral cancer who received salvage surgery and free flap reconstruction were recruited prospectively,...

Sun May 14, 2023 12:56
Development of a Remote Examination of Deglutition Based on Consensus Surveys of Clinicians (Part II): Reliability and Validity in Healthy Elderly Individuals and Oral Cancer Patients

This study aimed at verifying the reliability and validity of RED. The participants were 21 healthy elderly individuals and 72 postoperative oral cancer (OC) patients. OC patients underwent videofluoroscopic dysphagia examination, and severity was judged on the dysphagia severity scale (DSS). Reliability and validity of RED were examined in all participants...

Sun May 14, 2023 12:56
Behavioral Interventions Targeting Base of Tongue to Posterior Pharyngeal Wall Approximation: A Scoping Review

AbstractPharyngeal pressure generated by approximation of the base of tongue to the posterior pharyngeal wall (BOT-PPW approximation) is critical for efficient pharyngeal bolus passage and is a frequent goal of dysphagia management. This scoping review evaluated behavioral interventions available to improve BOT-PPW approximation. We searched MEDLINE,...

Sun May 14, 2023 12:56
Quantification of the Swallowing Mechanism Through Muscle Synergy Analysis

AbstractDecreased swallowing function increases the risk of choking and aspiration pneumonia. Videofluoroscopy and computed tomography allow for detailed observation of the swallowing movements but have radiation risks. Therefore, we developed a method using surface electromyography (sEMG) to noninvasively assess swallowing function without radiation...

Sun May 14, 2023 12:56
Neural Correlates of Oral Stereognosis —An fMRI Study

AbstractOral stereognosis is the ability to recognize, discriminate and localize a bolus in the oral cavity. Clinical observation indicates deficits in oral stereognosis in patients with vascular or neurodegenerative diseases particularly affecting the parietal lobes. However, the precise neural representation of oral stereognosis remains unclear whereas...

Sun May 14, 2023 12:56
Expanding Rehabilitation Options for Dysphagia: Skill-Based Swallowing Training

AbstractOver the past four decades, our understanding of swallowing neural control has expanded dramatically. However, until recently, advances in  rehabilitation approaches for dysphagia have not kept pace, with a persistent focussing on strengthening peripheral muscle. This approach is no doubt very appropriate for some if not many of our patients....

Sun May 14, 2023 12:56

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