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From star schema to event schema: One simple step to a self-serve analytics data model

There are many views and hopes when it comes to self-serve analytics—or a broad description of tools and processes that let non-technical team members get data insights for themselves. In plenty of companies, self-serve looks something like this: BI (business intelligence) dashboards showing visualizations of how team-based or companywide KPIs...

Fri May 31, 2024 23:19
7 reasons ecommerce companies should combine product and marketing analytics

No one will argue that marketing is unimportant. But in a competitive space like ecommerce, I will argue that focusing only on marketing performance isn’t enough. Ecommerce sales will cross the $6 trillion mark this year. Customers have more options than ever, and competition is fierce. As a solutions engineer manager, I lead a team...

Tue May 28, 2024 18:22
4 key phases in product testing (and why not every feature should make it to beta)

When you’re releasing a new product or feature, the step that gets the most attention is usually the beta testing phase. But getting a feature to a market-ready state is a long process involving months of work before you get to beta testing. Sometimes, features don’t even make it to the beta stage—and that’s often not a bad thing when you consider...

Fri May 24, 2024 00:43
4 business analytics examples

Too many companies manage their data in silos. Marketing data stays with the marketing team, product data is confined to product teams, and leadership is focused on revenue and growth metrics. When this happens, no one gets the complete picture, and everyone misses out on valuable insights. Business analytics are tools and processes that allow...

Tue May 21, 2024 23:06
Beyond metrics: How Notion measures the value of its ‘helpful’ content

All companies produce some kind of content, whether that’s in the form of a blog, videos, or social media posts—but what are most of them really getting out of these efforts? Some teams might be happy with just earning organic website traffic. Others might be getting an occasional click on the “Contact Sales” button. But how can teams know...

Thu May 16, 2024 18:31
We asked scale-up and enterprise leaders how they use product analytics to grow their companies. Here’s what they told us.

At Mixpanel, we’re always looking to deepen our understanding of our customers. Even though we’re looking at dashboards and numbers plenty, live conversations with product and data leaders provide valuable insights and feedback as we evolve and improve Mixpanel’s analytics platform.  Recently, we interviewed leaders from some notable data-informed...

Wed May 15, 2024 22:39

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