Looking for a google analytics alternative for my WP website. Don't want to self host to avoid slowing down my site. Looked into Matomo would the UX is almost a full blown GA replacement, looking for something simpler that lets me view key metrics by source, page and country. Want the flexibility to track custom events in the future. Happy to pay....
So I've already asked r/graphic_design but it was probably not the right place for that apparently ? I'm using Tauri and VueJS to realize the frontend of my app, tauri has a built in icon resizer for every platforms which is really cool but I cannot find a fit between my icon and the ones from the other apps on my mac. I used Affinity Designer 2 to...
As above... submitted by /u/prankster999 [link] [comments]
I don’t think it’s a difficult task but I’m not very computer literate. Please dm me if you can help submitted by /u/No_Distribution_9678 [link] [comments]
We’ve introduced border property support with shorthand functionality! 🎉 Now you can easily tweak your border styles in real-time right from Chrome, and sync those changes back to VS Code. This is just the beginning—we’ll be adding shorthand support for other properties soon! Try it out today and let us know your thoughts! Your feedback is always appreciated....
Can anyone recommend a good debugging extension for VSC? I've used intelliJ for Java and the debugger in that is pretty awesome, its like an x ray for your programme. The one I'm using in VSC currently isnt great, and doesn't show as in depth going's on within the code. submitted by /u/AspWebDev [link] [comments]
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