New Scientist - Space
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Wormholes could blast out blazing hot plasma at incredible speeds

If matter falls into one end of a wormhole, it could heat up in a tornado of plasma hot enough to initiate nuclear fusion – and come blasting out the other end

Fri May 31, 2024 23:58
Stunning image reveals the intricate structure of supersonic plasma

A simulation-generated image reveals how charge distributions and gas densities vary in the plasma that floats across our universe

Fri May 31, 2024 19:14
Starliner launch: When is Boeing testing its crewed space capsule?

Boeing's Starliner capsule had a helium leak in one of its thrusters, but it is still scheduled to launch on 1 June for its first crewed flight to the International Space Station

Fri May 31, 2024 00:48
China is about to land on the far side of the moon with Chang'e 6

Landing on the far side of the moon is rarely attempted, due to difficulties communicating with Earth, but China is about to try. If successful, its Chang'e 6 mission will then bring lunar samples back home

Thu May 30, 2024 21:02
'Unluckiest star' may be trapped in deadly dance with a black hole

A star in a distant galaxy appears to have been almost torn apart in a close shave with a supermassive black hole, not once but twice – and astronomers hope to see it happen again

Thu May 30, 2024 15:51
Starship launch 4: When is the next SpaceX test flight planned?

SpaceX is getting ready to launch its massive Starship rocket, perhaps as soon as 5 June, and we have all the details on the mission

Wed May 29, 2024 18:39

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