All things related to doing, building, fixing things on your own. **Do it yourself!**
664 followers 350 articoli a settimana
Changing door lock advice

Hello, I am looking to switch this deadbolt style door lock, for a smart lock I have purchased. I wasn’t expecting the metal housing you can see in the pic. My other door didn’t have this. Anyone able to advise on what kind of lock this is? (If I had some pliers on me…) can I just pull this metal casing out? It’s a Kwikset branded lock if that helps....

Sun Jun 2, 2024 04:19
Adjusting Door With Non-Removable Hinge?

I have an exterior door where the top hinge has pulled away from the frame which is making it very difficult to open and shut. I've watched a few videos like this one that suggest popping out the pin and adjusting the knuckles, however, it seems that this door has a non-removable pin. Any suggestions on how I can go about fixing this door? Thank you!...

Sun Jun 2, 2024 04:19
Budget kitchen update

submitted by /u/greenandbluefish [link] [comments]

Sun Jun 2, 2024 04:19
How would you take care of this issue?

I stupidly sprayed 70% isopropyl on my china cabinet and the color faded. When I realize I grabbed the wrong bottle, I tried remedying the issue by just wiping it down with water but seems like the damage is done. I was thinking maybe I could stain it, but does it need to be sanded? How would you go about fixing this? submitted by /u/JollyTrain8213...

Sun Jun 2, 2024 04:19
Door Threshold

We’ve just had our entrance hall tiled. The tiler removed the previous sloping door threshold and said to put in a new one. Nothing has yet been done and their solution for a door threshold was really unsatisfactory as it left a lot of the plywood still exposed. What’s the solution here to get a door threshold in that hides the edge of the tile and...

Sun Jun 2, 2024 04:19
Bought a new house and HVAC air handler has this janky setup.

It’s just a hole cut in the main vent. I cut a filter and seal it up in there. The prior owners just had a larger filter and when it was time to change, they would take it out and flip it. What can I do to fix this? submitted by /u/tallmon [link] [comments]

Sun Jun 2, 2024 04:19

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