Research about healthy relationships. From friendships to love and marriage, articles explore human interactions.
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How a natural disaster can bring couples closer

According to a study of couples in the Houston area before and after Hurricane Harvey, natural disasters can actually bring married couples closer together, at least temporarily. This surprised researchers because in previous studies looking at everyday stressors, couples typically experience 'stress spillover' in their relationships, which can decrease...

Thu Oct 28, 2021 09:46
Bat study reveals secrets of the social brain

Neuroscientists used wireless devices to record the neural activity of freely interacting Egyptian fruit bats, providing researchers with the first glimpse into how the brains of social mammals process complex group interactions.

Thu Oct 28, 2021 09:46
In your face: Children’s expressions tell the story of poor sleep

When children are overtired, their facial expressions can forecast social problems years later, according to a new report published by a psychologist.

Thu Oct 28, 2021 09:46
Illness-and death-related messages found to be significant motivators for exercise

Fitness apps that emphasize illness- or death-related messaging are more likely to be effective in motivating participation than are social stigma, obesity, or financial cost messaging, according to a recent study.

Thu Oct 28, 2021 09:46
Study discovers unique brain signature of intimate partner aggression

A new study used functional magnetic resonance imaging to examine the brain activity of 51 male-female romantic couples as they experienced intimate partner aggression in real time. They found that aggression toward intimate partners was associated with aberrant activity in the brain's medial prefrontal cortex, or MPFC, which has many functions, but...

Thu Oct 28, 2021 09:46
Getting beyond small talk: Study finds people enjoy deep conversations with strangers

People benefit from deep and meaningful conversations that help us forge connections with one another, but we often stick to small talk with strangers because we underestimate how much others are interested in our lives and wrongly believe that deeper conversations will be more awkward and less enjoyable than they actually are, according to new research.

Thu Sep 30, 2021 18:04


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