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Cancer - how you can help?

Be there for your loved ones Photo by Dương Hữu on UnsplashAccording to Cancer Research UK, one in two people in the UK will get cancer in their lifetime. Thankfully half of those diagnosed with cancer in England and Wales survive their disease for ten years or more, and survival from cancer is improving, with UK figures doubling in the last 40 years. This...

Wed May 29, 2019 19:00
New (school) year resolutions!

Time to set your goals Photo by Hannah Olinger on UnsplashResolutions in January are so old school! Make the start of this academic year the time you set and achieve new goals in health and fitness.  With the kids back at (or maybe even just starting) school, September is a great time to have a think about what healthy habits you'd like to put in place...

Wed Sep 5, 2018 11:40
Try the ESquared fitness app with 15% off!

Make your workout work for youI recently gave up my gym membership. Not because I wasn't using it - but because I began to find the process of booking classes and attending - frustrating (waiting lists, crowded car parks, territorial gym users...). Because I'd been there so many years I also felt I'd fallen into a workout rut, so I was turning up, but...

Tue May 22, 2018 14:08
Stay safe in the snow!

School's out for winter...!The school is shut and your work train is cancelled - so there's big cheers all around as friends and family declare a 'snow day'. But as well as being lots of fun, dipping temperates, snow and ice can present challenges too - and be dangerous to the elderly, those that are pregnant and newborn to school age children. Follow...

Thu Mar 1, 2018 13:53
Three simple ways to eat healthy

Britain has a love affair with processed and unhealthy foods...It's official, the UK has the unhealthiest diet in Europe. Last week news that us Brits eat five times more processed food than those living in Portugal, and four times more than those in France, Greece and Italy, hit the headlines.  In fact, the researchers from the University of São Paulo,...

Mon Feb 5, 2018 17:18
Pre- and post-party pampering

Christmas comes but once a year- so make sure you're ready to enjoy it!You can't beat the season of goodwill for some ace party invites - but rich food, late nights and one too many festive tipples can leave you feeling far from jolly. If you'd like to redress the balance, here's some great ways to prep (and recover) from all that festive fun... ...

Mon Dec 4, 2017 21:45


14 日間のトライアルをはじめましょう。クレジットカードは不要です。
