I am the Co-founder of Tekpub.com, Creator of This Developer's Life, an Author, Speaker, and Audio/Video enthusiast. I care for many Open Source projects such as Massive and Subsonic.
465 followers 0 artikelen/week
🥷🏽 Self Sabotage: The Good Parts

I've been listening to books about business and personal growth over the last month and I noticed something interesting when it came to the idea of self-sabotage: the entrepreneur/hustle culture thrives on it while the more "emotionally intelligent" people regard it as a blocker to personal growth.Well then.Climbing a MountainLet's start with the personal...

Mon Mar 11, 2024 22:36
👼🏼 Divine Code Reviews

I was talking with my friend Tess Ferrandez at NDC London just over a month ago and we started talking about code reviews. She was about to go on stage, and that was the subject of her talk (I can't find a link to the recording), which was ironic because it was also the chapter I was outlining for The Imposter's Playbook, which I'm getting near to finishing....

Tue Feb 27, 2024 23:23
The Subtle Arts of Logging and Testing

I'm writing the Testing Strategies chapter of a book I've been working on for the last 2 years: The Imposter's Playbook, and I dove into a bug I had in production that plagued me for longer than it should have. I'll describe the bug in a second, but let me say that it took me almost 2 hours to figure it out, which is horrible. The main reason it took...

Fri Dec 29, 2023 21:55
Test-driven Development In Action

Fri Dec 29, 2023 05:12
Meet Playwright

A few months ago I released The Imposter's Frontend Accelerator with the goal of helping people feel what it was like to build a real world application using Vue 3 and Nuxt 3. That's hard to do, especially when I have to make a few choices along the way that you might not make.To that end, I created two "case studies", one of which was "what if we did...

Thu Dec 14, 2023 20:57
It's The Holiday Season, Which Means I'm Goofing With My Site

I just started my winter vacation which means I get to play around with my side projects... which almost always means I try to simplify my blog and side hustle sites.So, TL;DR I've merged my blog (robconery.com) with my publishing site (bigmachine.io). I'm not entirely sure why they were separate to begin with... I'm sure I had some fun idea about becoming...

Sat Dec 9, 2023 22:26

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