A family formed through adoption...
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School Refusal...

Well - it's certainly been another interesting week - it's never dull in the world of adoption. Sometimes, I'd just like there to be nothing to write about - just a boring, old, run of the mill, family week. Yeah, right... This week TJ refused to go back to school - ever. I've never experienced school refusal before - that was for other people's...

Tue Jun 12, 2018 17:07
Struggles - do they ever really end?

It's been a funny few weeks since I last posted. As ever in the world of adoption after weeks of stagnation and seemingly endless battles everything seems to happen at once. Firstly, I need to thank all those of you who sent donations to help keep TJ in school - we were overwhelmed, but in light of the following I have requested that everyone be refunded...

Sun Jun 10, 2018 04:46

December is a funny old month for us. Alongside all the usual festivities we have a barrel load of family issues to deal with. December is a month of birthdays (not just Jesus') and also marks the deaths of both my parents, so all the talk of family celebrations can really hit home. I swing from Christmas love and festive cheer to a Scrooge like...

Sat Jan 6, 2018 16:44
How Did I Miss National Adoption Week? Oops!

Blimey - how did that happen. It's November!!!!! I've just been catching up on all the National Adoption Week News, we were away for it this year, our first trip to Malta, and I have to say that if you are looking for a laid back, family holiday then Malta really delivers. After the few weeks we have had it was lovely just to relax as a family and...

Sat Jan 6, 2018 16:44
Just when you thought it was safe...

So my positive post from last week has gone 'tits up' - to quote someone or something. Last week we were happy in our new school bubble. A week later its over - excluded and no longer funded. KC is showing signs of depression and has been self harming. He has already asked me why we bothered adopting him - after all, he says no-one really wanted him...

Sat Jan 6, 2018 16:44

Is it still cool to quote David Bowie song lyrics - probably not, but we have definitely been through a period of great change over the past few weeks. KC changed school, we managed to get his new school named on the EHC Plan the day before he was due to start - it was as if I had spent the whole summer holiday trying to get hold of various different...

Sat Jan 6, 2018 16:44

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