intersecting landscape ecology, open science, and R
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Things I Forget: Push/Pull Greyed out in RStudio?!?

So, on more than one occasion I have set up a repository locally, then on GitHub and pushed to that repo from the shell. This works great, but this would always result in the Push and Pull buttons in RStudio getting greyed out. I could push just fine from the shell, but not from the GUI. Not a big problem, but always kind of annoyed me. Today I took...

Mon May 11, 2015 04:43
A great idea: R Markdown for Undergrads

A recently published paper by Baumer et al (2014) caught my eye today (HT to Bruce Caron).  I wanted to share it here because I thought it was cool and also had a few comments to make about some of the issues the authors raised. First, a bit about the paper.  Partly in response to all the media attention to the crisis in reproducibility in science (e.g....

Mon May 11, 2015 04:43
Rstudio and makefiles: Mind your options!

I have written this post mostly for myself. I don’t want to waste 2 hours on this problem again at some point in the future.  Hopefully others might stumble on it too and save some aggravation. So, the issue I had this morning was writing up a a makefile in RStudio.  I am new to make and makefiles, but have been able to get them running successfully...

Mon May 11, 2015 04:43
SPARROW + Lake Volume + Field Data = PLOS ONE Paper

So this one goes in the category of shameless self-promotion (or shameless promoting of my co-authors).  We have a new paper out in PLOS ONE about how we combined the USGS SPARROW model, modeled lake depth and volume, and field data from the National Lakes Assessment to improve predicitons of TN and TP. There is no need for me to re-hash this here,...

Mon May 11, 2015 04:43
RStudio, and Presentations, and Git! Oh my!

I have been using R for many years now and it has served me quite well.  I have used it for all manners of data prep work, analysis, developing figures, and more recently GIS and creating reproducible reports with knitr.  During this time my typical workflow included creating new folders for projects, throwing in an R shortcut that opens in the project...

Mon May 11, 2015 04:43
Post-Doc Position: Landscape Scale Cyanobacteria Modelling

So, I normally try to keep work stuff and blog stuff separated, but I figured the four of you who read this might be or know of someone who might be interested in a one year (with possible extension) contract position with my research group at US EPA in Narragansett, RI. And besides, its my blog. I can do what I want. Our group works on various aspects...

Mon May 11, 2015 04:43

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