The Appcues Customer Engagement Blog covers everything from user onboarding strategies to product launch best practices. Discover the latest here.
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5 ways to personalize your user onboarding experience

Personalized onboarding keeps users engaged, creates deeper relationships with customers, and increases activation and retention rates. Here are 5 personalization tactics that you can use to shorten your users' time to value, plus examples of personalized onboarding UX from successful products.

Tue May 21, 2024 19:12
How to create an omnichannel onboarding experience in 5 steps

You're familiar with omnichannel marketing, but what about omnichannel user onboarding? Here are 5 ways to go beyond multichannel user engagement to create a cohesive onboarding experience that helps new users reach their aha moment, shorten time to value, and find success with your product.

Sat May 18, 2024 00:42
What does it mean to be a great product manager?

Are you trying to take your product management skills to the next level? Learn what key traits and skills can boost your career as a product manager.

Tue May 14, 2024 21:18
How to quantify customer happiness: 9 examples of effective CES, CSAT, and NPS surveys

Are your customers happy? This basic question can be surprisingly hard to answer. Learn how to gather feedback and gauge customer satisfaction more effectively with these 9 examples of Customer Effort Score (CES), Customer Satisfaction Score (CSAT), and Net Promoter Score (NPS) surveys done well.

Sat Apr 27, 2024 00:16
Top 10 in-app experiences to engage accounts at scale

Discover 10 powerful in-app strategies to engage accounts at scale, from trial conversion nudges to personalized support and feature adoption campaigns.

Tue Apr 16, 2024 20:49
26 ideas for squeezing the absolute most out of your app's product launch

Here are 26 ideas for your next product launch that you probably aren't thinking about today. Laden with examples, this post is sure to inspire something neat.

Fri Mar 22, 2024 20:48

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