Lead dev @digitalsurgeons. I do LAMP, Laravel, Nodejs, Python, and lots of server stuff.
280 followers 0 статей/тиждень
Wildcard Subdomains: Multi-tenancy in Nginx

Here we use LetsEncrypt (certbot) with the CloudFlare DNS plugin to generate a free, auto-renewing TLS certificate to use with Nginx. Then we configure Nginx to use that TLS certificate and create a configuration to support multi-tenancy in our applications. We use a special configuration to capture the value of the subdomain so we can pass it off...

Wed Dec 6, 2023 16:27
TLS Certificates in 30 Seconds

Let's see how to install, setup, and configure LetsEncrypt (certbot) with Nginx to get an SSL certificate in something like 30 seconds. This will help you get and configure an TSL certificate that auto-renews itself via LetsEncrypt - you never have to think about it again! When you install certbot, it will add a systemd timer. This timer periodically...

Wed Dec 6, 2023 16:27
Production-Ready Nginx

Fixing Nginx's default configuration. Nginx's default configuration is fine, but could use some help! The quickest way to improve Nginx's default configuration is to use H5BP's Nginx configuration. The Problems with Defaults There's a few "problems" (things we can improve) with the default configuration. No caching for easily-cached static...

Wed Dec 6, 2023 16:27
Multi-Tenant Local Dev

Your app may need to allow users/teams/tenants/whatever the ability to have their own subdomain. If your domain is myapp.com, this means letting tenants use foo.myapp.com to access their account. This affects your code base quite a but, but what I want to show you is a server setup for this. I'll be doing videos on this for development and production,...

Tue Oct 31, 2023 17:01
Understanding Nginx Try Files

The nginx try_files directive is actually interesting! Not, like, amazingly interesting - but it has more depth than appears at first glance. First, Nginx almost doesn't need try_files. Without it, Nginx could serve static files just fine: server { listen 80; server_name _; root /var/www/html/public; index index.html index.html;...

Tue Oct 10, 2023 17:20
PHP is Weird, Stateless, and Beautiful

PHP is, historically, stateless. This is mostly a result of HTTP being stateless as well. Each HTTP request has no knowledge of any request before it. PHP is much the same. Under "traditional" process models, it rebuilds its entire world on each request! There's no global state. Language Comparison In the video, we compare other popular languages...

Mon Oct 2, 2023 16:06

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