7 followers 22 статті/тиждень
How We’re Trying to Protect MacStories from AI Bots and Web Crawlers – And How You Can, Too

Over the past several days, we’ve made some changes at MacStories to address the ingestion of our work by web crawlers operated by artificial intelligence companies. We’ve learned a lot, so we thought we’d share what we’ve done in case anyone else would like to do something similar. If you read MacStories regularly, or listen to our podcasts, you already...

Mon Jun 17, 2024 18:25
The Origin Story of Apple Podcasts’ Transcripts

Ari Saperstein, writing for The Guardian, interviewed Ben Cave, Apple’s global head of podcasts and Sarah Herrlinger, who manages accessibility policy for the company, about Apple Podcasts transcripts. The feature, which was introduced in March, automatically generates transcripts of podcast episodes in Apple’s catalog and has been a big accessibility...

Mon Jun 17, 2024 16:25
The Issues of iPadOS 18’s New Tab Bars

Earlier today on Mastodon, I shared some concerns regarding the Books app in iPadOS 18 and how Apple implemented the new tab bar design in the app. Effectively, by eschewing a sidebar, the app has returned to feeling like a blown-up iPhone version – something I hoped we had left behind when Apple announced they wanted to make iPad apps more desktop-class...

Sat Jun 15, 2024 03:48
WWDC 2024: The AppStories Interviews with ADA and Swift Student Challenge Distinguished Winners

Devin Davies, the developer of Crouton. To wrap up our week of WWDC coverage, we just published a special episode of AppStories that was recorded in the Apple Podcasts Studio at Apple Park. Federico and I interviewed three of this year’s Apple Design Award winners: Devin Davies. Devin Davies, the creator of Crouton, which won an ADA in the Interaction...

Fri Jun 14, 2024 22:53
The Latest from Magic Rays of Light, Comfort Zone, and MacStories Unwind

Enjoy the latest episodes from MacStories’ family of podcasts: This week on Magic Rays of Light, Sigmund and Devon recap the Apple TV and entertainment announcements at WWDC – including tvOS 18, visionOS 2, Immersive Video updates, and more – and score their event predictions. We’re...

Fri Jun 14, 2024 18:57
Opting Out of AI Model Training

Dan Moren has an excellent guide on Six Colors that explains how to exclude your website from the web crawlers used by Apple, OpenAI, and others to train large language models for their AI products. For many sites, the process simply requires a few edits to the robots.txt file on your server: If you’re not familiar with robots.txt, it’s a text...

Fri Jun 14, 2024 03:17

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