All things related to doing, building, fixing things on your own. **Do it yourself!**
673 followers 352 статті/тиждень
Looking to replace old basketball hoop on a very weird pole – any ideas how to mount this?

We moved into a new home a couple months ago and the former owners had a strange way of mounting their basketball hoop in the backyard. The pole is some kind of "gooseneck" pole, but also not really (see photos attached). Which is why they mounted the current backboard and hoop in a very strange way, the hoop is above the center of the backboard and...

Sun Jun 9, 2024 08:42
Did I turn off the gas to my water heater correctly? Management won't be in until Monday

I didn't have hot water for a shower, and it looked like the pilot wasn't lit (photo). I didn't smell gas, but I followed the instructions to turn the knob from ON to OFF. (further photos) Did I do this correctly? Is it good until Monday? submitted by /u/Animaequitas [link] [comments]

Sun Jun 9, 2024 08:42
Roof Tiling

Hey all, Just had my roof redone and weatherproofed. Roofer recommended TREX but is a bit out of my price range. Could anyone recommend a cheaper alternative that I could lay down myself to increase the longevity of the roof? Thanks submitted by /u/chiefboyardeeznuts [link] [comments]

Sun Jun 9, 2024 08:42
What would be the best next move?

I’m working the closets in my upstairs bedrooms. They had these built in dresser type things which I tore out. Now it looks like Sheetrock to me but I’m not the most knowledgeable in this subject. I was thinking about replastering them However I need to know what it is in order to buy the right product. What do you guys think I should do here? ...

Sun Jun 9, 2024 08:42
Best way to make this porch safer and more private?

The steps are most people’s main issue, there have been a few close calls of people falling off/down them. I’m not sure why exactly. Also would love some more privacy but I don’t think there’s a good way to do that outside of maybe hedges? submitted by /u/inform880 [link] [comments]

Sun Jun 9, 2024 05:43
Built a paver patio to extend the cement slab porch

Home Depot had a sale on pavers so I took the opportunity to extend the back patio over to the other end of the house. It’s only 50 extra square feet but it sure feels like a big difference. The trickiest part was getting the grading to line up to the slope of the cement slab but I think I did pretty well. Glad to have this extension in place for...

Sun Jun 9, 2024 05:43

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