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<a href='' target='_blank'>Earth-based telescope helping guide Juno spacecraft through Jupiter exploration</a>

Researchers are using the Earth-bound Gemini North telescope to provide high-resolution images to help guide the Juno spacecraft's exploration of Jupiter.

Sun Jul 2, 2017 04:31
Germ cell breakthrough paves way to infertility treatment

Scientists at Tsinghua University have led the world in inducing in-vitro differentiation of human embryonic stem cells into follicle-like cells. The breakthrough is expected to help the study of premature ovarian failure and improve assisted reproductive technology.

Tue Jun 13, 2017 12:08
<a href='' target='_blank'>Rice first domesticated in China at about 10,000 years ago: study</a>

Rice, one of the world's most important staple foods sustaining more than half of the global population, was first domesticated in China about 10,000 years ago, a new study suggested Monday.

Tue May 30, 2017 04:42
<a href='' target='_blank'>Video shows how blue whales pick, choose meals before feeding</a>

New video captured by researchers at Oregon State University (OSU) shows just how blue whales pick and choose their meals.

Wed Apr 19, 2017 02:49
<a href='' target='_blank'>U.S. scientist suggests focusing on shared benefits of addressing climate change</a>

Arguing that people care more about improving human health than reducing greenhouse gas emissions, a leading U.S. scientist at Stanford University suggests focusing on the shared benefits of addressing climate change, including job creation, health and safety, instead of talking about the polarized topic.

Mon Apr 17, 2017 03:44
16 critically endangered Australian parrots in captivity killed by common bacteria

The deaths of 16 critically endangered iconic parrots in a Australia's Tasmanian breeding facility have been blamed on an ineffective disinfectant.

Thu Mar 30, 2017 04:46


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