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IBM buys Ustream: is it a workforce communication play?

IBM has added Ustream to a long list of video technology company acquisitions in the recent past — like Clearleap acquired last month — buying the streaming video vendor for around $130 million (according to Fortune). The company had raised $50 million in venture funding, and was the sole video partner involved in the launch of IBM’s cloud marketplace...

Fri Jan 22, 2016 18:15
Work chat Fleep’s slash commands, tasks, and email integration

2016-01-19: Updated with some corrections. Strikeouts indicated former erroneous material now amended or deleted, and italics show new explanations. I’ve been closely watching the development of work chat vendor Fleep, and since I reviewed the product in August (see Work chat tool Fleep has native task management: Is that a key feature, or just nice...

Tue Jan 19, 2016 00:04
Zappos sees more staff departures, but is Holacracy to blame?

More departures at Zappos leads commentators to question if Holacracy is the culprit. Recall that Tony Hsieh offered employees a big payout if they decided to quit during the transition to Holacracy. But that’s not the only transition going on there. Zappos has been involved in a major web transition, moving onto parent Amazon’s back-end technology...

Mon Jan 18, 2016 16:48
Business on Display: Making a Statement with Digital Signage

The digital signage market is projected to be worth $22 billion by 2020. If you’re interested in learning more about the evolving digital signage industry, watch our first webinar sponsored by Samsung titled “Business on Display: Making a Statement with Digital Signage.” For more content like this, follow Samsung Business on Insights, Twitter, LinkedIn , YouTube and SlideShare.  ...

Thu Jan 14, 2016 20:21
Is the PC going extinct?

New numbers tell a dark story for PC manufacturers, except perhaps Apple. New Gartner stats are unequivocal: worldwide sales are down 8.3%. Source: Gartner Apple is the only brand bucking the tide, with growth of 2.8% and market share of 6.7% at this point. The economic downdraft is likely having a large impact, and even Microsoft’s Windows 10 might...

Wed Jan 13, 2016 15:37
Is Twitter going past the 140 character limit?

Yesterday, Jack Dorsey hinted at relaxing the 140 character limit on Twitter: — Jack (@jack) January 5, 2016 I wonder if that’s a response to users concerns, like mine: Jack Dorsey seems to be saying that Twitter will soon be letting people write Tweets with more than 140 characters without resorting to images of text. I’ll...

Thu Jan 7, 2016 17:41


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