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2025 BMW X3: The Kidney Grille Bars Are Diagonal Now

The 2025 BMW X3 is redesigned and brings BMW’s compact crossover into its fourth generation. It rocks a new design language on the outside that BMW describes as “almost monolithic,” which is to say, it’s a simpler, cleaner-looking vehicle that dials back on the surfacing of the previous generation. However, one design element that may raise some eyebrows...

Wed Jun 19, 2024 01:37
Another Dealer Is Selling a Suzuki Jimny With a ‘Legal’ Oklahoma Title

A 2024 Suzuki Jimny 5-Door, one of the coolest little cars that you can’t legally buy in the U.S., has popped up for sale at a dealership in Oklahoma. Exotic Motorsports of Oklahoma‘s Facebook ad describing the car as “legal to drive” with an “Oklahoma title” has perplexed and intrigued some fellow car enthusiasts on Oppositelock, where it caught our...

Tue Jun 18, 2024 19:35
The Best Garage Storage Systems: Get Your Workspace Organized

Working in a righteous mess of a garage sucks. Straight up, it can make any project seem like it’s Homer’s Odyssey—never-ending. But your working space doesn’t need to be an episode of Hoarders: Buried Alive if you get yourself right with a garage storage system. These vary in price and scale, but all do the same thing. Clean up your mess and make your...

Tue Jun 18, 2024 17:04
Koenigsegg Tells All 28 Jesko Owners to Stop Driving, Presumably Over Group Text

A Koenigsegg Jesko Attack “Nür Edition”—a somehow even more extreme version of what was already one of the world’s wildest performance cars—cooked down to a heap of hot trash on the side of a Greek highway on Saturday. Nobody was reported injured, but a great piece of art and engineering has been lost. The cause of the fire is under investigation, and...

Mon Jun 17, 2024 22:36
The Best Cordless Impact Wrenches: Blast Fasteners Away Like a Pro

Working with your hands can be therapeutic and give you the opportunity to ponder life’s big questions as you’re loosening fasteners. That is up until the point you remember that it’s the hottest, most humid day of the year and you’ve only just started to rotate your tires. I’m all for doing things the hard way. Taking the long way around is...

Mon Jun 17, 2024 21:17
Best Motorcycle Rain Gear: Stay Dry During a Downpour

Rain is a part of life. I vividly recall one ride into work where the weather said there was a 0% chance of rain in Southern California, only to find myself in a downpour that had me cursing the weather app gods. I arrived soaked to the bone and had to stay that way for the rest of the day. It sucked. But if I had a good set of rain gear packed with...

Mon Jun 17, 2024 21:16


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