Funny FAIL Pictures and Videos
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Worker forced to return to the office despite doing all their calls on zoom in the office anyways

When you actually like the place you work and can tolerate the people you work with, it's easy to reason that going into an office once in a while might present some benefit. But if you're being forced to go into an office where no one talks to each other (except under duress) just to do all of your work alone in an isolated room and all your meetings...

Thu May 30, 2024 02:35
Karen family cheats nanny out of $12.50, nanny charges them hundreds in unpaid hours: 'I was furious'

Good childcare is hard to find… and it doesn't come cheap. It's reached the point where many families are now weighing up the costs of childcare and finding that it actually doesn't make sense for one spouse to work when their entire salary is going to the childcare costs incurred by their absence. Even for families that can afford it, filling the gaps...

Thu May 30, 2024 02:14
'My coworkers have talked about "the cabinet incident"': 20+ Workers who had memorable meltdowns

Deep breaths everyone, deep breaths. Sometimes that's all you can do when The Circumstances happen to you in the workplace. The higher your stress level is at work, the sooner you'll snap, as these ex-employees know all too well. On the r/AskReddit subreddit, u/Flaxmoore was curious about the "most legendary work meltdown" people had ever witnessed....

Thu May 30, 2024 00:34
15+ folks tell all about their shortest relationships: '[It lasted] about 3 hours. I found out she was married'

Some relationships feel like they came to an end before they even really started. If you ask the folks who shared stories behind their short-lived relationships, you will see a myriad of reasons why some couples cannot last longer than the runtime of Killers of the Flower Moon. First, there are always the classic reasons: different lifestyles, contrasting...

Thu May 30, 2024 00:02
'I hadn’t even reached my car when the pager started blowing up': Tech employee doing the work of four people isn't given overtime, leaves work early instead

Bosses love to tell their employees they need to work as much as humanly possible in the smallest amount of time. They'll twist themselves a pretzel to avoid saying what they actually mean: "You need to work on this project off the clock, even though it's just the regular part of your day-to-day job." They know they can't actually direct their employees...

Wed May 29, 2024 23:35
Piano technician maliciously complies with overbearing boss's demand for punctuality: 'If you can't be on time, then don't!'

Let this serve as our weekly reminder that bosses should be careful with their choice of words.Here, we have an employer who got increasingly frustrated with a piano technician for being under five minutes late on more than one occasion. Under five minutes should be considered negligible, but if an employer really feels that a conversation is necessary,...

Wed May 29, 2024 22:13


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