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Hit by LockBit? The FBI is waiting to help you with over 7,000 decryption keys

Did your company fall victim to the LockBit ransomware? Have cybercriminals left gigabytes of your data encrypted, with no easy route for recovery that doesn't involve paying a ransom? Well, don't fear. The FBI announced this week that it had obtained over 7,000 decryption keys for the LockBit ransomware and is urging victims to come forward for free...

Thu Jun 6, 2024 18:13
What Is the Difference between FIM and DLP?

Threats to sensitive data are everywhere. From sophisticated cybercriminal syndicates to accidental exposure to nation-state-backed advanced persistent threat (APT) groups and everything in between, it's never been more critical for organizations to have the correct data protection tools. When designing how to protect company information from loss,...

Thu Jun 6, 2024 11:18
What is the Standard of Good Practice for Information Security?

The ISF (Information Security Forum) Standard of Good Practice (SoGP) is a comprehensive set of best practices designed to help organizations effectively manage their information security risks. Covering various topics, including governance, risk management, compliance, incident management, and technical security controls, it helps establish and maintain...

Thu Jun 6, 2024 11:18
AI Autonomy and the Future of Cybersecurity

Have you ever wondered how Artificial Intelligence (AI) could mimic consciousness and autonomously control various tasks? It sounds rather daunting. However, it may not be as intimidating as it seems under the right conditions. Moreover, Would AI perform tasks independently in the same manner as humans? And what implications does this hold for cybersecurity?...

Wed Jun 5, 2024 11:21
Life in Cybersecurity: From the Classroom to the Next Generation of Cybersecurity Professional

When you speak with many of the seasoned veterans of cybersecurity, it is not unusual to learn of the twisted path in technology that eventually landed them in the security profession. However, the newest cybersecurity professionals are digital natives. They grew up in a world of technology and were exposed to cybersecurity as early as their first interactions...

Wed Jun 5, 2024 11:21
A Brief Look at AI in the Workplace: Risks, Uses and the Job Market

Anyone remotely wired into technology newsfeeds – or any newsfeeds for that matter – will know that AI (artificial intelligence) is the topic of the moment. In the past 18 months alone, we’ve borne witness to the world’s first AI Safety Summit, a bizarre and highly public leadership drama at one of the world’s top AI companies, and countless prophecies...

Wed Jun 5, 2024 11:21


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