Modern Industrial Design News
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ASUS ROG Mjolnir power station promises uninterrupted gaming for an hour

It seems that the gods of Asgard are truly smiling on brave digital warriors. After two months of debate and speculation on whether they’re just pulling a long hoax, ROG has proven that there is, indeed, a real Mjolnir power station, or at least one working unit shown off to the public at Computex 2024. And it is as massive as you might have expected,...

Fri Jun 7, 2024 19:10
Acer Wave 7 Wi-Fi 7 Mesh Router brings a less stressful design to your desk

As our Internet needs grow, so do the power and complexity of the networking devices we have at home. Strangely, however, the more powerful routers become, the more intimidating they seem to be. Many seem to have fully embraced the tech and gamer culture that would put futuristic-looking designs on a pedestal, whether they look like spaceships or...

Fri Jun 7, 2024 19:10
ZOTAC ZONE gaming handheld PC tries to outdo the Steam Deck

Although it’s unsurprising that plenty of the announcements at Computex 2024 revolved around AI, the event is still pretty much a showcase of actual physical products. Among the new AI-toting laptops are, also unsurprisingly, a new batch of handheld computers that try to recreate the magic of the Steam Deck and the Nintendo Switch for themselves....

Fri Jun 7, 2024 16:27
How CNC Machining Revolutionizes Product Design: Boosting Efficiency and Precision

CNC machining plays a transformative role in modern manufacturing and revolutionizes product design and production by automating machine tool control through computers. Therefore, CNC machining is a high-precision solution for modern manufacturers, utilizing advanced electro-mechanical devices to move tools across various axes based on computer-programmed...

Fri Jun 7, 2024 16:27
TECNO CAMON 30 Series LOEWE Edition has a back made from coffee grounds

It’s arguable that coffee makes the world go round, but to some extent, it also does a bit of harm in the process. Our rapid and massive consumption of this beverage has resulted in no small amount of waste, from the plastic cups and straws that we throw away daily to even the grounds that often go into the bin. The latter is, of course, biodegradable,...

Fri Jun 7, 2024 13:45
Innovative EDC Flashlight Brightens Up Your Outdoor Adventures With Three Light Sources

People are rediscovering the joys of being outdoors, but worries begin to sink in as the sun starts to set. The night has always been an unfamiliar and sometimes unsettling territory for most people, but it also holds countless wonders for those who dare brave the darkness. Of course, in our modern world, you no longer have to fear stumbling in the...

Fri Jun 7, 2024 05:27


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