How do viruses work? How did the Great Train Robbery work? Join Josh and Chuck as they explore the Stuff You Should Know about everything from genes to the Galapagos in this podcast from
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Selects: How Stuttering Works

Despite as much as one percent of the adult population having the condition, science doesn't actually know how stuttering works. The best it's come up with so far: there seems to be an issue between the physical process of speaking and the thought process that underlies it. Find out what science means by this in this classic episode.See

Sat May 11, 2024 12:40
10 - Yes, 10! - Dumb Criminals

Sometimes you just have to turn it off for a while – all the thinking, and overthinking, analyzing, and figuring out. Sometimes it’s nice to just breathe through your mouth and talk about dumb things criminals do for an episode.See for privacy information.

Thu May 9, 2024 12:45
Short Stuff: Titanic Survivors!

We all know the story of the Titanic and the tragedy of lives lost. So hey, let's talk about the survivors for a change!See for privacy information.

Wed May 8, 2024 12:30
Misophonia: More Than an Annoyance

Misophonia is a condition in which certain sounds trigger people in very negative ways that can really disrupt someone's life. Listen in today to learn all about this fairly recently recognized condition.See for privacy information.

Tue May 7, 2024 12:25
Selects: The Legends of Lost Nazi Gold

As if being murdering SOBs weren’t enough, the Nazis were also thieving rats. During WWII, they stole billons in gold from countries they overran and moved it to Germany. But at the end of the war, only part of it was recovered. Where’s the rest? Find out the extent of our knowledge in this classic episode.See for privacy information.

Sat May 4, 2024 12:23
Atomic Clocks, Ahoy!

The only thing more complicated than an atomic clock is researching how they work and then figuring out how to explain it to other people. But believe us, they are fascinating. Even if you don’t care about clocks or atoms you’ll still like this episode.   See for privacy information.

Thu May 2, 2024 12:22

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