A community dedicated to Bitcoin, *the currency of the Internet*. Bitcoin is a distributed, worldwide, decentralized digital money. Bitcoins are issued and managed without any central authority whatsoever: there is no government, company, or bank in
2k followers 336 articles/semaine
PBS segment about the Wisconsin pension fund. Pay attention, anon.

submitted by /u/HurricaneHarvey7 [link] [comments]

Mon Jun 3, 2024 04:32
Bitcoin Rewards Those Who HODL (credit @apsk32)

submitted by /u/Kazgarth_ [link] [comments]

Mon Jun 3, 2024 04:32
What’s are the top 5 videos recommended to orange pill your friends?

I still have friends (business owners) that think BTC is a scam. As inflation continues to soar they are becoming open to learning about Bitcoin. What 5 videos do you recommend to start the learning process? submitted by /u/MajorPain82nd [link] [comments]

Mon Jun 3, 2024 04:32
Made me think of crypto

submitted by /u/PatheticMeat [link] [comments]

Mon Jun 3, 2024 04:32
Why Bitcoin?

Someone posted a similar sounding thread earlier but my question is different. I am new to crypto and honestly don’t really really understand it well enough. I think I understand the point of decentralization and the anti-inflationary angle, but my question is how does/would a bitcoin economy actually work? With a limited supply, won’t people just hoard?...

Mon Jun 3, 2024 04:32
What books or documents do you recommend to understand what makes bitcoin unique?

I've been involved in crypto for three years and I've always heard that the more you read about Bitcoin and understand how it works, the more you want to buy and HODL. So today I was curious to read and understand more so I hope for your help. I am studying economics so I understand the unique characteristics of BTC. However, I would like to understand...

Mon Jun 3, 2024 01:32

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