Agricultural research news. From fertilizers and organic farming to maximizing crops and hybridization, read about advancements in agriculture.
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Tiny roundworms carve out unique parasitic niche inside pseudoscorpion's protective covering

In a parasitic first, a Baltic amber specimen has revealed that millions of years ago tiny worms known as nematodes were living inside of and feeding on the outer protective layer of pseudoscorpions.

Thu Jun 6, 2024 15:12
Uptake of tire wear additives by vegetables grown for human consumption

Car tires contain hundreds of chemical additives that can leach out of them. This is how they end up in crops and subsequently in the food chain. Researchers have now detected these chemical residues in leafy vegetables for the first time. Although the concentrations were low, the evidence was clear, a finding that is also known for drug residues in...

Thu Jun 6, 2024 15:12
Combining pest treatments may be key to helping honey bees survive the winter

Winters can be tough on managed honey bee colonies, with beekeepers in the United States reporting that one-third of their colonies die each winter. A new study has found that using not one but multiple pest treatments may help bees make it to spring.

Thu Jun 6, 2024 03:18
Key nutrients help plants beat the heat

Scientists have discovered some of the molecular mechanisms controlling how plants -- including important crops like soybean and rice -- will respond to rising global temperatures, finding higher temperatures make root systems grow faster, but sustaining this increased growth speed depends on high levels of nitrogen and phosphorus in the soil. The discoveries...

Thu Jun 6, 2024 03:18
Blood sausages and yak milk: Bronze Age cuisine of Mongolian nomads unveiled

Bronze cauldrons were used by the inhabitants of the Mongolian steppe around 2,700 years ago to process animal blood and milk. This is shown by a protein analysis of archaeological finds from this period.

Thu Jun 6, 2024 01:16
Frequent mowing puts poisonous weed into survival mode

A study has found that frequent mowing of Solanum elaeagnifolium, also known as silverleaf nightshade, may help create a 'superweed.' A professor of entomology and plant pathology has been studying silverleaf nightshade for more than a decade. New findings have shown that the more silverleaf nightshade was mowed, the more it developed ways to avoid...

Tue Jun 4, 2024 04:15

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