Funny FAIL Pictures and Videos
62k followers 89 articoli a settimana
‘Your condolences don’t pay my rent': Job candidate left floored after hiring manager retracts job offer 1 week before starting date due to company ‘budget changes’

When you get a signed job offer, the last you would expect is that the company would retract it. After all, once you've signed, you put in your two week notice and get busy preparing for your new job. You say goodbye to your boss and coworkers and fully expect to begin on the date that was approved by your hiring manager. If things go wrong, you're...

Mon May 13, 2024 03:24
‘You should’ve read the terms and conditions': Hotel clerk refuses to give guest their money back after they try to cancel a non-refundable room, guest demands compensation

The patience that front desk employees possess is truly admirable and is definitely not talked about enough. They have to deal with an unbelievable amount of people who simply cannot understand the smallest of things, and overlook everything for their own benefit, and they do that on a daily basis.I tried being a front desk employee in a local hotel...

Mon May 13, 2024 01:18
‘Landlord bought an expensive boat and then tried raising my rent’: 15+ Financial decisions that made no sense whatsoever

In your adult life, only you can control how you spend your money. It's one of the best and worst parts of adulthood! You get that fresh paycheck in your bank account, and it feels like the world is your oyster. Time to treat the besties to brunch, or have an extended shopping spree over a weekend. But once that money is gone, you get that pit in your...

Mon May 13, 2024 01:18
20+ guests share the most bizarre house rules they have encountered: 'No closed doors. Bedroom, bathroom, closet, whatever'

Being a guest in someone else's house means adjusting to new rules, some of which can be, well, ridiculous. Sure, there are the common ones that visitors are used to, such as taking off your shoes at the front door or house rules regarding how pets are treated (how they're fed, where they're allowed to go, etc.). Unfortunately, these folks had to deal...

Mon May 13, 2024 00:31
'I sat around doing nothing for the last 2 months of my job': Quitting employee stops being assigned work by petty boss

This boss underestimated his employee, and the employee is not complaining. What would you do if your job suddenly told you that you don't have to do work anymore? You just come into work one day and your boss informs you that even though you aren't fired, you won't have to send another email or attend another long meeting. At first, most of us would...

Sun May 12, 2024 23:31
32 remote employees buy device to bypass CEO's silly idle time requirements, now the CEO wants one too

The way this stubborn CEO handled the fallout of this situation says quite a bit about his leadership style.This formerly in-person work environment went fully remote a few years ago and opted to stay that way, which was a big win for the 32 employees who fought for this change. That being said, there was a catch: the CEO enforced silly idle time requirements,...

Sun May 12, 2024 22:16

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