Funny FAIL Pictures and Videos
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20+ guests share the most bizarre house rules they have encountered: 'No closed doors. Bedroom, bathroom, closet, whatever'

Being a guest in someone else's house means adjusting to new rules, some of which can be, well, ridiculous. Sure, there are the common ones that visitors are used to, such as taking off your shoes at the front door or house rules regarding how pets are treated (how they're fed, where they're allowed to go, etc.). Unfortunately, these folks had to deal...

Mon May 13, 2024 00:31
'I sat around doing nothing for the last 2 months of my job': Quitting employee stops being assigned work by petty boss

This boss underestimated his employee, and the employee is not complaining. What would you do if your job suddenly told you that you don't have to do work anymore? You just come into work one day and your boss informs you that even though you aren't fired, you won't have to send another email or attend another long meeting. At first, most of us would...

Sun May 12, 2024 23:31
32 remote employees buy device to bypass CEO's silly idle time requirements, now the CEO wants one too

The way this stubborn CEO handled the fallout of this situation says quite a bit about his leadership style.This formerly in-person work environment went fully remote a few years ago and opted to stay that way, which was a big win for the 32 employees who fought for this change. That being said, there was a catch: the CEO enforced silly idle time requirements,...

Sun May 12, 2024 22:16
'You don't get special treatment for completing the race': Marathon employee puts runner in her place when she reaches the finish line and tries to enter staff grounds

The characteristics we recognize in ourselves but decide not to express are often the characteristics that irritate us most in others. But what would happen if you had no control over the object of your gaze? Do you convey all that's on your mind, or do you treat them in the same manner you would treat yourself—ignore the negative and concentrate on...

Sun May 12, 2024 21:17
'Where is he going that he can't politely ask a child to move?': Dad demands entitled Boomer apologize after pushing a 4-year-old over for being in his way

A dad and his son were out hiking when his son came across a snail. Being overjoyed, the two of them stopped on the trail to admire the snail. Not long after stopping, the dad noticed an older man walking their way. When the 4-year-old saw the man, he excitedly urged him to come over and look at the snail he found. To his surprise, the entitled Boomer...

Sun May 12, 2024 20:13
'So I stopped taking vacations': Security guard discovers company only pays them for 1 hour per day while using vacation time

One company must be confused about the meaning of "PTO." It stands for paid time off, aka those blissful days that some salaried employees earn to take vacation time without breaking the bank. There are few greater feelings than being relaxed on your vacation, safely away from your inbox and your boss, and still being paid for that. It's a lovely way...

Sun May 12, 2024 19:34


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