266 followers 42 artykuły/tydzień
The Guardian unpacks the demise of Lloyd Wright's Wayfarers Chapel in California

This month, Wayfarers Chapel is being dismantled, an emergency attempt to save the structure’s irreplaceable redwood, steel and stone components in the wake of a devastating landslide. By taking it apart now, before it’s too twisted and broken to ever reconfigure, the chapel’s leaders hope to give it a second life someday on stable ground. They don’t...

Sun Jun 2, 2024 15:47
Casa Encinos by arxprnr

In an urban landscape where houses blend into monotonous repetition, Casa Encinos emerges as a beacon of individuality. Far from succumbing to passing trends and predefined lifestyles, this work is distinguished by its unique and harmonious approach to the environment. In a sociocultural context that, despite itself, clings to immutable traditions,...

Sat Jun 1, 2024 23:46
Take a look at Reiser+Umemoto's completed Kaohsiung Port Terminal

Reiser+Umemoto, RUR Architecture DPC has shared new photos of their recently completed Kaohsiung Port Terminal project in Taiwan’s busiest commercial port.  The nearly eight-year construction exemplifies the firm’s conception of “3D Urbanism,” breaking apart the design vertically across three separate datums that carry different functions for passengers...

Sat Jun 1, 2024 17:48
10 doors and entrances we liked this week

In case you haven't checked out Archinect's Pinterest boards in a while, we have compiled ten recently pinned images from outstanding projects on various Archinect Firm and People profiles. Today's top images (in no particular order) are from the board Doors & Gates. Tip: Use the handy FOLLOW feature to easily keep up-to-date with all your favorite...

Sat Jun 1, 2024 15:48
New architecture and design competitions: IDEAS2 Awards, Kharkiv Housing Challenge, RIBA AHR Scholarship, and Gangbuk-gu Office Complex

This edition of Bustler's curated picks of noteworthy architecture and design competitions features four calls seeking talented architecture students in need of support towards the costs of education, progressive designs for the new Gangbuk-gu office complex in Seoul, South Korea, modular systems capable of retrofitting existing structures and enhancing...

Sat Jun 1, 2024 02:43
AIA President Kimberly Dowdell outlines the need for better K-12 outreach to strengthen the architecture profession

Reflecting upon her activities during the recently passed Architecture Week in Detroit, AIA President Kimberly Dowdell outlined the need to engage with the key K-12 demographic in order to cultivate and better prepare the next generation of American architects to match the challenges they and the country will face tomorrow. "If we want to engage the...

Fri May 31, 2024 22:41

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