Funny FAIL Pictures and Videos
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Boss gets fired, blames employees and bombards coworkers' phones with accusatory messages: 'He called me 28 times in the span of an hour'

When a coworker gets fired, it can come as a complete shock, especially if that coworker is your boss who seems like they are untouchable. In this next story, one supervisor showed up to work only to find an unexpected HR employee in the meeting room. Most employees know that if HR is ever unexpectedly called into a meeting, it's never a good sign....

Mon May 13, 2024 19:51
Entitled office worker insists that coworker conform to her dress code: '[My manager] told me to drop it'

This nosy worker seriously asked for advice about another employee's attire. Why would that be any of her business? Good question! Many office places have become way less strict about their dress code in recent decades. Instead of donning a white shirt and a tie, or a dress and tights, lots of folks just show up in jeans and a tee shirt every day. If...

Mon May 13, 2024 19:28
Employee uses their manager's own incompetence to end their career: 'My show of assertion crumbled the empire of fear'

Micromanagers usually come in two shapes; the first is a recently promoted technical worker with a deep understanding of the work but with poor interpersonal skills and a deep drive for perfectionism who can't bear to let go of the fact they're no longer doing the work themselves anymore, they cling to their methods depriving their workers of agency...

Mon May 13, 2024 18:08
Flexi-time employee gets chewed out for 10 minutes of overtime, maliciously complies the next time their boss needs them to stay late: 'Policy is policy'

Managers always seem to need us when we're clocking out, but they're the first one to complain when we stay a little too late. While a big part of a manager's job is to manage their employee's time schedules, it's awfully counterintuitive to scold a trustworthy employee over a few minutes of overtime–which is exactly what happened to the hardworking...

Mon May 13, 2024 16:48
'I decided to head over to Big Bill's condo and talk to him man to man': Top HOA Stories of the Week (May 13, 2024)

It's time for a weekly venting session about everyone's favorite topic: their local homeowner's association.A friend of mine recently recounted a story to me about how the previous owner of her modest condominium had his air conditioner incorrectly installed in a way that violated HOA bylaws. The problem is that no one ever noticed the issue while he...

Mon May 13, 2024 15:24
Homeowner gets even with HOA who demanded he remove his boat from driveway: 'I removed it, just like you asked'

Your mailbox is a disgrace, and needs a fresh coat of paint, they said. Your flowerbeds are looking a little dull, get a gardener, they said. HOA likes to say a lot of things, and if you don't listen, well, you get fined. That's just how it is, and there isn't much you can do about it. The HOA members are always grumpy, miserable-looking people who...

Mon May 13, 2024 15:24

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