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83-Year-Old Woman Seriously Injured After Goring by Bison at Yellowstone National Park

YELLOWSTONE NATIONAL PARK, Wyo. — An 83-year-old woman was gored and seriously injured by a bison in Yellowstone National Park. The woman from Greenville, South Carolina, was near the Storm Point Trail at Yellowstone Lake on Saturday when the bison lifted her about a foot (30 centimeters) off the ground with its horns, park officials...

Tue Jun 4, 2024 12:30
U.S. Urges U.N. Security Council to Support Biden’s Gaza Ceasefire Plan

UNITED NATIONS — The United States urged the U.N. Security Council on Monday to support the three-phase plan announced by President Joe Biden aimed at ending the nearly eight-month war in Gaza, freeing all hostages and sending massive aid into the devastated territory. U.S. Ambassador Linda Thomas-Greenfield said the United States...

Tue Jun 4, 2024 12:30
Beijing and Hong Kong Tighten Security on Tiananmen Square Massacre’s 35th Anniversary

BEIJING, China — Checkpoints and rows of police vehicles lined a major road leading to Beijing’s Tiananmen Square as China heightened security on the 35th anniversary of a bloody crackdown on pro-democracy protests. China has long quashed any memory of the killings, when the Chinese government ordered in the army to end the months-long...

Tue Jun 4, 2024 12:30
Facing Personnel Shortfall, Australia’s Military to Recruit Foreigners Amid Defense Upgrades

Australia’s military is loosening recruitment criteria to enable non-citizens to join its ranks and help address a personnel shortfall in the defense forces. The move, first announced in the National Defense Strategy released in April, will see the force ease eligibility requirements to allow permanent residents who’ve lived in...

Tue Jun 4, 2024 06:31
With Independent Bid, Corruption-Charged Sen. Menendez Puts Safe Democratic Seat at Risk

New Jersey Democrat Bob Menendez filed to run for reelection as an independent on Monday, a move that could be costly for Democrats trying to hold on to what has been a safe Senate seat. Menendez, who is on trial in New York on corruption charges, could play the role of spoiler if a significant chunk of voters stick with him. Although...

Tue Jun 4, 2024 06:31
Drinking On Planes Could Be Bad For You, New Study Finds

The next time you board a long flight and decide to enjoy an alcoholic drink before taking a nap, you might want to avoid the temptation. A new study, published in the medical journal Thorax on Monday, found that when people fell asleep after drinking alcohol in a low air pressure environment similar to that on airplanes, their...

Tue Jun 4, 2024 06:31


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