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A Field Guide to Sales Performance Evaluations [Free Template]

Looking to motivate your sales team to smash their goals next quarter? There are many tools to coach your sales team into the best version of themselves, but one that’s often overlooked is the sales performance evaluation. A sales performance evaluation is a chance for a manager and a sales professional to align their goals and determine a strategy...

Thu May 30, 2024 20:38
How to Send a Follow-Up Email After No Response [+ 19 Examples]

On average, salespeople who send at least one follow-up email after no response reach a 27% reply rate. Those who don’t send one get stuck at a 16% average reply rate. You don’t want that 11-point gap to cost you a major contract or prevent you from exceeding quota. In this post, I’ll show you how to send a follow-up email after no response — and...

Thu May 30, 2024 20:08
67 of the Best Sales Enablement Tools of 2024

Approaching a task armed with the tools, systems, and knowledge you need just feels better than walking in unprepared. This is especially important for sales professionals — and sales organizations are making greater strides to ensure their reps are successful on the job. Touching upon this point, there was a notable 20% increase in the adoption...

Thu May 30, 2024 14:26
Startup Due Diligence: What it Is & Why it Matters

Did you know that a disagreement between founders can lead to an entire startup business failing? In fact, 65% of startups fail due to founder conflict (Noam Wasserman, author of The Founder's Dilemmas). Even small disagreements can come to light during the startup due diligence process when investors look into your company before deciding to invest...

Wed May 29, 2024 15:23
10 Best Etsy Alternatives to Sell Your Crafts

With nearly 90 million active buyers, Etsy is one of the biggest ecommerce marketplaces for vintage and handmade products. Etsy used to be my go-to source for unique crafts and gifts from independent small businesses and mom-and-pop shops. Over the years, I’ve even dabbled in selling jewelry and vintage on Etsy, so I’ve seen how the marketplace works...

Tue May 28, 2024 14:25
7 'Under-the-Radar' Traits of Top-Selling Sales Reps, According to Sales Leaders

We all know the “obvious” traits high-performing sales reps exhibit. I‘m sure you’ve read plenty about the value of qualities like empathy, ambition, and confidence throughout your career — but you didn't click on this headline because you want to hear more about those conventional, played-out traits. Now, did you? No, you're here for some novel,...

Tue May 28, 2024 06:25

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