UX Planet
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Design  — A powerful yet powerless career

Design — A powerless yet powerful career#Myopinion : Designers are the 6th pillar of a business but still they get paid in peanuts and also don’t get much recognition in an industry. This article explains the power of a designer as an individual in any industry and how as a newbie entering into a design industry you can do the same.Image Credits : (interaction-design.org/courses/design-for-the-21st-century)A...

Wed May 29, 2024 13:27
Analyzing YouTube’s new Layout 2.0

Impact on Content Creators and YouTubeFollowing my last article on how YouTube’s new layout (swapping comment section and video recommendations) impacts the audience. The new layout also impacts both content creators and the platform itself. This article delves into the effects of these changes, exploring how they influence content creators’ strategies...

Wed May 29, 2024 13:27
How information architecture define your brand positioning?

Examples from IKEA and Netflix on how IA improves user experience and serves as a business strategy.What is information architecture?Information architecture (IA) is the practice of structuring the content of your product (it applies to website, app, and even books!), it consists of 3 core pillars, users, context, and content.Users: the target audience...

Wed May 29, 2024 13:27
The future of junior designer’s role

Why and how should we all help juniors with entering the industry?Many things have been said about the enormous changes that happened in the tech industry over the past two years. The so-called “tech winter” has brought mass layoffs and hiring freezes, making the job search challenging even for professionals with extensive networks and numerous accomplishments.Although...

Wed May 29, 2024 13:27
UX Future: AI and NeuroUX

How AI and neurologically-driven UX design will shape the future of our industry, and the world.Continue reading on UX Planet »

Wed May 29, 2024 13:27
Designing Tomorrow: 2024 Web Design Trends Unveiled

By Mary Moore, copywriter at ShakuroAre you tired of constantly feeling like you’re playing catch-up with the ever-evolving world of web design trends? You create a concept and — the next day you find out that it’s outdated. You google the latest tendencies and you’re overwhelmed with the suggestions. Which of them will work?We’ve got the insider scoop...

Wed May 29, 2024 13:27

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