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Email List Building for Education Sector -- 2

I'm looking for a freelancer to help me with email scraping to build a targeted email list in the education sector. Specifically, I'm interested in parents who are seeking tuition services for their children... (Budget: $10 - $30 USD, Jobs: Data Entry, Data Mining, Email Handling, Email Marketing, Leads)

Sun Jun 2, 2024 00:35
English to French Translation Needed

I require an experienced English to French translator for a substantial document. This project involves translating a document from English to French. The document is of a substantial length, more than 5,000 words... (Budget: $2 - $8 USD, Jobs: Canadian French Translator, English (UK) Translator, English (US) Translator, French Translator, Translation)

Sun Jun 2, 2024 00:35
Opencart Shop - Email Order and My Orders Issue with Journal Theme

I'm experiencing a critical issue with my Opencart shop that's impacting communication with users post-purchase. Here is a comprehensive summary of the problem: - The Problem: After completing an order,... (Budget: $10 - $30 USD, Jobs: HTML, MySQL, Open Cart, PHP, Software Architecture)

Sun Jun 2, 2024 00:35
Personal Photo Object Removal & Moderation

I have a set of photos that require the removal of select items, namely people and background clutter. Once these objects are removed, I'd like the final image to undergo a moderate level of smoothing for a polished, professional finish... (Budget: $10 - $30 USD, Jobs: Photo Editing, Photography, Photoshop, Photoshop Design, Video Editing)

Sun Jun 2, 2024 00:35
Remote Customer Service Team Needed

I am looking for a remote customer service team that can effectively handle multiple communication channels on behalf of my business. The ideal candidate should be fluent in English. (Budget: £5 - £10 GBP, Jobs: Customer Retention, Customer Service, Customer Service Chatbot, Customer Strategy, Customer Support)

Sun Jun 2, 2024 00:35
Skilled Podcast Editor Needed

I'm on the lookout for an experienced podcast editor who can add the right musical and sound effects to make each episode truly outstanding. Overview: - Each podcast episode runs for 30-60 minutes -... (Budget: $8 - $15 USD, Jobs: Audio Production, Audio Services, Editing, Sound Design, Video Editing)

Sun Jun 2, 2024 00:35

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