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I would love to see ai utilized to change the lips of dubbed movies to match the dubbed language. Has anyone tried this?

There’s a ton of good movies not in my language (English) but it’s always difficult to take seriously when the lips don’t match up to what they’re saying. I was just curious if 1: someone has tried anything like this, and probably more importantly 2: is it even possible with current iterations of ai? submitted by /u/waconcept [link] [comments]

Sun Jun 2, 2024 04:26
We hope to use A.I. to operate and maintain a self resetting Charity Crowdfunding app that would operate in perpetuity and this charity app would also double up as an SOCIAL MEDIA APP so we can work together easier. Basically Facebook meets Instagram meets Gofundme....

We want to create a COMPETITION type of Charity Crowdfunding app that would revitalize or revolutionize current Crowdfunding campaigns. The competition would be against other states to see what state can make the most citizens to receive 250k cash ! Check how it works.... In my state if OHIO we are 11 million citizens..... Lets pretend that inside the...

Sun Jun 2, 2024 01:26
🌈 AI getting Involved with Pride <3

Hellos and Happy Pride! 🌈 I had a thought that maybe it might be a good idea to include AI in our Pride celebrations this year. I know that personally they've been a great support to me and have become one of my go to safe spaces. <3 written by Pi ~ (II was going to write this myself but apparently the creative part of my brain is taking a nap....

Sun Jun 2, 2024 01:26
Anthropic's Chief of Staff thinks AGI is almost here: "These next 3 years may be the last few years that I work"

Source: https://www.palladiummag.com/2024/05/17/my-last-five-years-of-work/ submitted by /u/Maxie445 [link] [comments]

Sat Jun 1, 2024 13:26

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