News about agriculture and farming. Commentary and archival information about agriculture and farming from The New York Times.
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How Rhubarb Conquered Germany, Then the World

A tongue-twisting rap by a Berlin duo has spotlighted Germans’ love of their springtime produce. Now if only they could find a rhyme for asparagus.

Sat Jun 1, 2024 07:18
Bird Flu Has Infected a Third U.S. Farmworker

The worker had respiratory symptoms, unlike the first two. But the risk to the public remains low, federal health officials said.

Thu May 30, 2024 23:21
Will Billions More in New Aid Save Family Farms?

The Biden administration aims to better support small farmers while still aiding big operations and rewarding climate-friendly practices. It’s a tall order.

Thu May 30, 2024 12:25
TikTok Rediscovers Bag Balm, a Rural Beauty Secret

Social media fans of Bag Balm, a moisturizer originally made for cows’ udders, say it’s just the thing for “slugging.”

Mon May 27, 2024 12:04
A Second Dairy Worker Has Contracted Bird Flu, C.D.C. Reports

The new case, in a Michigan farmworker, did not suggest that bird flu was widespread in people, health officials said, adding that the risk to the general public remained low.

Wed May 22, 2024 23:11
Los detectives de enfermedades intentan evitar una pandemia de gripe aviar

La labor de estos profesionales es clave para rastrear virus que se transmiten de animales a humanos. Una actividad importante para tomar medidas a tiempo y evitar que la enfermedad se propague por el planeta.

Wed May 22, 2024 19:05

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