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The Top 5 Longreads of the Week

This story was funded by our members. Join Longreads and help us to support more writers. The psychology of a mass shooter. Wrestling with the phenomenon of Novak Djokovic. Using plant anatomy to understand human emotion. Lunches with a literary legend. Surfing . . . in a mall. 1. Lessons From...

Fri May 31, 2024 13:22
Where the Wild Things Are: the Untapped Potential of Our Gardens, Parks and Balconies

In this edited extract from One Garden Against the World: In Search of Hope in a Changing Climate, Kate Bradbury examines the distressing rate at which gardens in the United Kingdon are disappearing. It is an important reminder that our properties can be home to more than just us. Years later I was living in Brighton and took a trip to Manchester...

Fri May 31, 2024 00:27
Little Seed

In this stunning essay, Wei Tchou turns to ferns as a lens through which to better understand herself and her place in her family, amid the turmoil of her brother’s mental illness. Names, for me, use certainty as their lure. They’re above and beneath us, a universal interface, a boulder on the earth. The safest place I find myself is in a heavy...

Thu May 30, 2024 17:03
Fuel, Medicine, Pleasure

This story was funded by our members. Join Longreads and help us to support more writers. Krista Diamond | Longreads | May 30, 2024 | 9 minutes (2,660 words) Before I climb the mountain, I stop at 7-Eleven and buy a sandwich. The 7-Eleven is in Tromsø, Norway—technically the northernmost 7-Eleven on earth, but what’s really...

Thu May 30, 2024 14:03
My Lunches with Judith Jones, the Queen of Cookbooks

When Sara Franklin embarked on gathering oral histories from Judith Jones, she was not expecting the gorgeous lunches they would prepare together before each interview. This lovely piece entwines food and friendship to create something truly satisfying. When I see Judith on the day of the sauce gribiche, the tantalizing tease of spring hangs...

Thu May 30, 2024 06:34
Surfing the American Dream

The American Dream mall in East Rutherford, New Jersey, is home to the largest indoor surfing wave pool in the U.S. What’s the experience like for someone who grew up surfing in San Diego . . . outside? Are predictable artificial waves the future of this coastal pastime? Alexander Sammon writes an enjoyable, thoughtful essay on the trend, as well as...

Wed May 29, 2024 21:34


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