A community dedicated to Bitcoin, *the currency of the Internet*. Bitcoin is a distributed, worldwide, decentralized digital money. Bitcoins are issued and managed without any central authority whatsoever: there is no government, company, or bank in
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Same passphrase for Hardware Wallets?

I am planning on using a multi-sig setup, please no debate on multi sig wallets,from what I read, this method is suitable for people storing around $500k+ , which is what I will be storing, in my late 20s , so this is a longterm thing. I have very good organization skills. My question is, I have purchased around 5 hardware wallets, and all will have...

Sun Jun 2, 2024 04:33
Monthly chart

submitted by /u/No-Rub-8768 [link] [comments]

Sun Jun 2, 2024 04:33
Wasabi Wallet v2.0.8 - Hydra (new release; let's you pick a custom coordinator)

submitted by /u/TheGreatMuffin [link] [comments]

Sun Jun 2, 2024 04:33
Bitcoin Goals

submitted by /u/Extreme-Brief-8285 [link] [comments]

Sun Jun 2, 2024 01:33
Inelastic Demand

This word, inelastic demand, is why housing is a good investment. Because no matter the price, high or low, people need it. Price is irrelevant. Food Housing And some debate Medical care I would argue freedom has inelastic demand. Some people are willing to pay any price / risk of death crossing boarders to have a better life in another country. American...

Sun Jun 2, 2024 01:33
Can you take a Bitcoin Core (windows) file and put it on an Ipad and restore the wallet?

Sysadmin here, trying to help a user. I don't know if this is a stupid question but i promised my user I would try and find out for her. Our work provided windows machines don't allow any crypto related software, and her personal laptop with Bitcoin-QT on it took a fatal bath. However she has a copy of the Bitcoin-Qt/Core wallet on a USB stick and an...

Sun Jun 2, 2024 01:33

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